>> 5 {video}

Jan 19, 2011 01:15

{A Forge flicks on, the view quite distant from an utterly demolished Arena center. The operator of the cam is, quite obviously, sitting in one of the rows furthest back, heavy black boots propped up on the back of a seat in front of him. Ankles crossed, one foot tapping the air restlessly, he scans the wreckage slowly, allowing all viewers to see ( Read more... )

asellus, elena, !malfatto, kunsel, lust

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Comments 43

video; charmprince January 19 2011, 15:56:21 UTC
Seconding that. I'm practically counting the days until I see some green around here.

So you're the arena doctor, huh? [It's not hard to come to such a conclusion, anyway.]


video; malfattore January 19 2011, 16:16:57 UTC

I see some. Is that a cosmetic stain, or... [Remember: other realms, magic, general oddities. He'd certainly met a couple General Oddities since arriving, so.] ... or your own?

I am. Apparently, due to this [A head tilt, gesturing towards the mess several rows up.] I'm also a part-time debris collector, which I do hope I'm getting paid extra for.


video; charmprince January 19 2011, 16:20:09 UTC
The smattering we have doesn't count. I'm talking springtime. No snow, maybe a little warmth... [She sighs.] Winter is just not my season around here, it seems.

I'm helping out with the mess too, but once it's clear, I'll be joining the ranks of the arena, I think. So you'll be seeing me around. I think Elena's going to try to set up an appointment with you for me, too, so it may be sooner than later.


video; malfattore January 19 2011, 17:32:26 UTC
I can agree to that. It may not have agreed much with my attire, but warmer weather... was undeniably better than this. [Might have been a little better with insulated birdmasks, but he had yet to find one.]

[Perk!] Is that so? Well, welcome to arena life, bella. Elena's a favorable employer. Quite centered, from what I can tell. Hopefully you're not as squeamish about getting a physical as some of her other fighters. It really isn't anything out of the ordinary.


[ Voice ] knows_it_all January 19 2011, 18:36:51 UTC
Nobody is going to give up looking for Dawn, so... you can just forget that stupid idea. And for that matter, stop talking about her in that way. She's not irritating, and she's not dead.


[ Voice ] malfattore January 19 2011, 19:04:19 UTC
I wasn't suggesting people do it. I was merely surprised they hadn't already. There are always new people to meet! Dawn was a dear, yes, though a touch too bubbly for my tastes.

How do you know she isn't? She's missing, and no one's heard from her, correct? Are you saying she isn't dead because you have proof of the alternative, or because you believe optimism will prevent it from being so? [Snicker.] Have you wished upon a star yet?


[ Voice ] knows_it_all January 19 2011, 19:08:07 UTC
[ Teeth. Grinding. ]

Stop using past-tense!

[ See? He's observant. ]

I don't need to wish on any stars, because Dawn's a trooper. I believe in her.


[ Voice ] malfattore January 19 2011, 19:22:08 UTC

That's alright. I believe in reality. Forgive me, but generally when people go missing in my home, it means they either don't wish to be found, or parts of them are scattered across the countryside.


Voice wellsuited January 20 2011, 01:12:47 UTC
It's really strange...I should've found her by now.

[It was a mission, after all. Success is mandatory.]

Have you ever considered a second job?


Voice malfattore January 20 2011, 04:21:04 UTC
Is it your actual responsibility to find her, or did you merely take it on as a voluntary effort? If the latter, I say don't fret over it too much.

[Head tilt. Is she offering him something, or... ]

Why? Did you have something in mind? Forgive me, bella-- the place I'm weary of is the city in general, not the Arena. I believe it may be a seasonal thing, though.


Voice wellsuited January 20 2011, 14:31:48 UTC
The Turks were requested by name. I couldn't turn down a mission like that. People might think we weren't capable.

Well, you're still in luck! Because the ruins are outside of the city!

[Yeah, she's...at it again.]


Voice malfattore January 20 2011, 17:24:51 UTC
Ahhh, I understand. Almost like a ... a contratto. I do understand missions.

What do you need, bella?

[Eh, that's fine. Curiosity piqued.]


[video] sonvisage January 20 2011, 02:29:09 UTC
[Finally. Video again. She's reclining on a mass of pillows, and her hair is spilled over and covering her brand.]

Make your own entertainment, perhaps?


[video] malfattore January 20 2011, 04:23:49 UTC
[Oop. Look at that.]

[Instinctively, he finds another spot to focus on, just to the left of the Forge itself. A spot that's not... the reclining shape lazed across his screen.]

I've thought about it. Do you have a suggestion?


[video] sonvisage January 20 2011, 19:25:39 UTC
I'd suggest the Arena, but that's nearly close to all work and no play. I despise that sort of thing.

There are many shops and sights in the city, one that impossibly turns up wares from the homeworlds of many, curiously enough. The bookshop and library are always interesting, as are the teashops.

[The beginnings of a wicked grin, but it's weak and turns sour partway through.]

And there's always the other parts of Dismas, if that's your sort of inclination. [Arcs a brow. Frowns.] I find that it's left a bad taste in my mouth due to recent business dealings.

[Really, she's referring to being found out following (and betting on) Scar, and being full of bullets due to the scuffle with Heine that followed.]


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