002 [text]

Jan 15, 2011 11:58

In little over fourteen days I need to find a permanent residence...and I guess a job? Although there was that posting for the police force...

Looks like I may need some extra help getting settled here. Any volunteers? Dawn...maybe?

[ooc; her small cry for help lol]

jane chatwin, !stephanie brown, trevor belmont, jason todd

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Comments 23

[video] just0watch January 15 2011, 17:16:48 UTC
I'm also looking for lodgings. I've heard that a roommate situation can sometimes be advantageous.

[hadn't thought about it in years-eons, immeasurable, really-but the last time she actually… lived, in one time and place, she'd still had her sisters.]

…for mutual protection, distribution of upkeep, and savings. [and a grounding in humanity]


[video] breakspromises January 16 2011, 14:49:58 UTC
That sounds like a good plan.

You seem nice so uh...would you want to be roommates? Unless you have someone already...


[video] just0watch January 17 2011, 05:26:11 UTC
I don't have anyone.

[sudden smile]

Maybe we should meet, then?


[video] breakspromises January 17 2011, 15:39:14 UTC
Yeah, where would you like to meet?


Video poweroflegend January 15 2011, 22:56:09 UTC
[Sends her a video feed of the apartment building he and a few other Outlanders reside in.]

This might be a good place to start. The rent is affordable and the lodgings better than agreeable.


Video breakspromises January 16 2011, 14:50:41 UTC
Oh, thank you! That is really helpful. [smile]


[text] jaytodd January 16 2011, 14:05:28 UTC
Helen might want more eyecandy on her staff, y'should ask. I wouldn't mind more candy in my workplace at any rate.


[text] breakspromises January 16 2011, 14:57:39 UTC
I am not eyecandy [She's so glaring at the screen]

What kind of place does she run? And where could I find her to talk to her?


[text] jaytodd January 16 2011, 19:20:47 UTC
The Foxhole. Plenty of brawling to go around, boucing and stripping and serving drinks and alcohols both local and from out of the Door.

Y'might even be elligible to the 'first beer free' deal for newcomers. 'Multiverse knows we need it.


[text] breakspromises January 16 2011, 19:29:54 UTC

I think I'll keep my options open for now.


SO LATE SOB SO SORRY yetsleeping January 18 2011, 22:33:21 UTC
Well! What kind of thing would you like to do?


LOL ITS OKAY. breakspromises January 19 2011, 10:02:55 UTC
What kind do you have?


/hangs head so low yetsleeping January 19 2011, 11:28:17 UTC
Well! It depends on what you're interested in! Personally, I run the Patrol - we hunt monsters in the ruins so they don't get into the city. But there's also a subdivision for police work that technically I guess runs under me but Byakuya doesn't really tell me anything about-- Well, anywhere there's that ( ... )


breakspromises January 21 2011, 08:01:53 UTC
Joker....? [hopes it isn't who she thinks it is]

I think I'd like to do the Patrol...hunt monsters and that. I talked to...Byakuya already. Such a talkative person.


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