[Video] backdated to the beginning of the month >.>

Jan 13, 2011 13:56

[Unusually, Gesicht doesn't start off looking straight at the camera. He seems to be considering something a little to the side of it. But he straightens, and looks directly at the the forge.]

Who have you left behind?

spike, lilly rush, shunsui kyouraku, irene, priscilla, !gesicht, dawn summers, spencer reid, lust, jason todd

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Comments 51

[video] girl_unlocking January 13 2011, 20:12:17 UTC
Hi, Gesicht.

[She waves, smiles a little and stops. Thinks.]

You mean at home?


[video] roboterpolizist January 13 2011, 20:22:56 UTC
Hello. [he gives one of his own small smiles, briefly, in answer]

Yes, that's what I meant.


[video] girl_unlocking January 13 2011, 23:19:14 UTC
That's hard. My sister, Buffy. Willow! A-and Tara. And Xander, um ...Mr. Giles. My friends. My Dad, I guess. M-maybe Anya.

[My Mom, but not really. She could be here just as much as there.]


[video] roboterpolizist January 14 2011, 05:18:42 UTC
[kindly] You have a lot of friends.


[voice] photosbythebed January 13 2011, 20:24:11 UTC
My whole team.

[And my family. There's the sound of purring against the forge.]


[video] LILY <3 roboterpolizist January 13 2011, 20:26:51 UTC
[he tilts his head a bit to the side] Your team?

[the purring is noted but, for the moment, will go uncommented on. humans will keep pets, after all.]


<333 *\o/* photosbythebed January 13 2011, 20:59:40 UTC
[She recognizes the Forge ID number from the leaflet.]

I'm a detective. [Back home. It's starting to leave her vocabulary now, because it's a given. Every one of them's got a 'back home'; she's not special.] Team, friends. Pretty interchangeable, really.

Spoke with your Captain earlier about a job.


Lilly Rush, [...aaaaaand:] sir.


<3<3<3! roboterpolizist January 14 2011, 05:17:52 UTC
I guess so. [This isn't surprising. He'd learned that from the way the human detectives he had worked with behaved. Maybe some of them had even considered him a friend as well as a coworker. But it was unlikely, and ultimately irrelevant.]

It's good to meet you, Detective. [He nods, an acknowledgment. The pause before a "sir" is nothing he's not used to from humans.] I'm Gesicht. [She'll know that, of course, but it's polite]


[video] threedoctorates January 13 2011, 22:24:46 UTC
[There's a pause.]

My team. My family.

[Because they're interchangeable, really.]

My mother.


[video] roboterpolizist January 14 2011, 05:04:00 UTC
[his own pause]

A team is important. [It's mostly an observation, as this is the second person to say that, but there's a hint of question in the tone.]


[video] threedoctorates January 14 2011, 05:09:00 UTC
Besides my mother, they're the most important to me.


[video] roboterpolizist January 14 2011, 05:20:01 UTC
[He nods.] You have no other family?


Voice wellsuited January 13 2011, 23:56:51 UTC
I didn't leave them behind...

I was brought first for a reason.


Video roboterpolizist January 14 2011, 05:04:26 UTC
They've followed you?


Video wellsuited January 14 2011, 05:12:28 UTC
Yes! ...And no.

They've all been here, but most of them have returned. But once I...secure a place for us, I'm sure my President and the others will be back for good.


Video roboterpolizist January 14 2011, 05:21:03 UTC
[a small smile, just a bit dry] Good luck.


[audio || private] l_shrugged January 13 2011, 23:57:05 UTC
Must it be a "who"?

[Of course, there is one, but L's not exactly so loose-lipped, even where the information couldn't possibly be used against him. Even when compared to Watari, however, L may miss his work -his authority, wealth, sweet choice- more than all else. It was a cure for boredom and, even with the research he's constantly conducting, it's not comparable to cases selected based on preferences.

The effects of the a-mist, for instance, should be the burden of men he's within his abilities to hire without concern for his reputation.]


[video || private] roboterpolizist January 14 2011, 05:05:23 UTC
[a pause, a curious look]

I guess not.


[voice || private] l_shrugged January 14 2011, 22:28:06 UTC
An artist lacking the proper inspiration - and materials, possibly - or a musician particularly fond of their personal instrument.

I miss my work, I suppose.

Yours is a "who", I take it?

[Lilt for manners' sake, though he's already aware of the answer. It would explain the presumptuous phrasing.]


[video || private] roboterpolizist January 18 2011, 02:50:48 UTC
I see. [a small nod]

...My wife.


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