♖ 008; voice.

Jan 02, 2011 01:38

Is there... a record, or anything? Of the different people with healing abilities, I mean. I was thinking... it seems like sometimes accidents happen, or-- or worse things, and it isn't always going to be possible to get someone to the clinic, and if you're new, or you just... don't know many people, knowing who to talk to could be difficult.

[A ( Read more... )

lilly rush, shunsui kyouraku, lavi, !hope estheim, remus lupin

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Comments 52

photosbythebed January 1 2011, 16:56:12 UTC
I've got EMT training. Don't think it counts toward 'healer', but go ahead and put my name down.

Yeah, it's a good idea.


elementally January 1 2011, 22:42:48 UTC
All right. Maybe categories would be a good idea-- what kind of medical help they can offer?

Thank you. Oh, uh, I-- don't think we've met. My name's Hope. [and you aaaaarrree?]


photosbythebed January 2 2011, 02:30:10 UTC
Yeah, probably. Takes the guesswork out, and the less guesswork the better, right? [Hope? Isn't that a girl's name?] Dete---uh, Lilly Rush.

Good to meet you, Hope.


elementally January 2 2011, 05:20:03 UTC
Exactly. The more efficient we can make it, the more people who need help urgently can get the help they need from the right people - not contact the wrong person, something like that.

[ :c it's not a girl's name ] Likewise, Lilly.


[voice] looseleafbook January 1 2011, 19:03:42 UTC
's a good idea~ I mean, not everyone's gonna be comin from a safe place. Might get tossed here in tha middle o'a battle.


[voice] elementally January 1 2011, 22:44:00 UTC
E-exactly. Thanks, Lavi.


[voice] looseleafbook January 1 2011, 22:48:45 UTC

Though, 'm not much of a healer 've got some first aid under my belt. Gramps insisted on it after I kept gettin injured as a sprat.


[voice] elementally January 1 2011, 22:53:44 UTC
All right, got it.

Remus and I were talking about making categories-- people who can help with different degrees of injuries, and stuff. Once we work out what categories to have, maybe we can work out where would be for you.


lumenrelegandus January 1 2011, 19:20:31 UTC
An excellent idea.

Perhaps the list should include categories. Levels of urgency or severity, perhaps specialties… I'd be happy to help compile.

For example: I am proficient in healing spells. However I'd probably best for minor ailments and/or stop-gap assistance-keeping someone well enough to obtain more thorough treatment.


You seem well suited to your job, contributing not only your powers but your judgment. Well done!


elementally January 1 2011, 22:49:48 UTC
That sounds like a really good idea. Maybe magic and non-magic, too-- a couple of people have been kind of touchy when I mention having magic. That way people can make informed decisions, although maybe for really serious injuries it'd be hard not to have certain people heal them.


Ah-- hah. Thank you.


[Voice] ladieslikepink January 1 2011, 20:55:40 UTC
[Have a positively cheerful response, Unknown Voice-San. And yes the first bit is a little teasing.]

Perhaps not the best idea, but still a good one. There are also people who might prefer to keep their weaknesses private, after all.


[Voice] elementally January 1 2011, 22:40:32 UTC
But... they wouldn't have to use the medical list if they didn't want to. [There's a pause. He's a little confused.] I don't really know what you mean. I mean, I understand not wanting to expose your weaknesses, uh, but... I don't see how the list would be exposing weaknesses. If it's a danger, though, it'd be better to work a way around it-- make sure so it wouldn't be a problem.


[Voice] ladieslikepink January 2 2011, 04:49:14 UTC
[Okay. so you're a little slow, Unknown Voice-San. He can deal - not as if every shinigami in his division is the brightest spark in the kidou class either.

His voice is more serious; measured this time.]

As things are now, if they don't know who to talk to, their only option is to tell everyone that they're sick or injured and hope for the best. I can think of a thousand reasons why some would prefer to suffer alone.

A list would make that unnecessary. And never underestimate a healer, my friend. If they choose to make themselves known, then you can be sure they understand any danger.


[Voice] elementally January 2 2011, 06:12:18 UTC
Right. O-okay. So it's... it's better than our current option.

[He's feeling a bit more at ease, although his mind is still working over ideas for how to improve his extremely basic idea. Still, his tone lightens a bit.] The last thing I'd do is underestimate a healer-- they're are some of the toughest people I know, in... their own ways.

So, this list idea. Do you think there's anything I can do to improve it? Right now some of the ideas are categories for specialties and healing methods, but... but there's always way to make things better, right?


yetsleeping January 1 2011, 22:50:26 UTC
I think that's a wonderful idea! You don't need to be so uncomfortable about it.


elementally January 1 2011, 22:55:29 UTC
Thank you. But, uh, I'm not... uncomfortable.

(He is always uncomfortable. :| )


yetsleeping January 2 2011, 01:21:28 UTC
You sound uncomfortable!

...but then again, I probably sound uncomfortable most of the time, too. Now that I mention it.


elementally January 2 2011, 05:14:44 UTC
Ah. Yeah, sometimes. Me, I mean.

This is a, uh, strange topic.


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