[Video] Whatcha doin'?

Dec 25, 2010 11:20

[The forge clicks on. Junpei seems to be sitting on his bed, wearing a black tank top and the ever-present baseball cap, his sitting-at-home-doing-nothing-in-particular outfit.]

Hey, guys...

Uh. Anyone doing anything special today? I'm kinda bored, and uh, I miss my friends, and just wanted to know what everyone's doing. I-I'm not inviting myself ( Read more... )

!junpei iori

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Comments 6

run junpei RUN. wellsuited December 25 2010, 19:10:03 UTC
Do you know anything about carpet?


Re: run junpei RUN. agi_skills December 26 2010, 00:07:02 UTC
Carpet? Like the kind on the floor?


wellsuited December 26 2010, 01:45:03 UTC
Yeah, I got some, but I need to take the old stuff up first. It's not something I actually...know much about.

[A pause. That's only part of the story, actually.]

Plus I don't have anything to do either.


agi_skills December 26 2010, 05:58:30 UTC
Lady, I dunno anything about carpet, but I'm a fast learner! Uh, I could definitely help getting the old carpet out of there. [Did he mention his method invoves fire?]


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