[03 → voice]

Nov 29, 2009 17:26

Well, it seems I've found myself some work to tide me over a bit.

In case anyone's looking for a place to eat with prices slightly more affordable than the norm, please consider going to Terrence's Cafe located in Commercial District 2 ( Read more... )

souji seta, shizuka doumeki, haruka doumeki, nagi "owl" kengamine, !oruha, kaien shiba, minato arisato, miranda lotto, yu kanda

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Comments 60

[audio] colophoned November 29 2009, 09:32:27 UTC
You have a really beautiful voice.


[audio] marked_songbird November 29 2009, 09:36:42 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you liked it.

Aren't you the one who went into the Mist? Are you feeling better now?


[audio] colophoned November 29 2009, 09:40:24 UTC
After hearing you sing, yes, I am.

[Yeah, baby, real smooth. Also, he can hear that capital M.]

Sounds like this mist is pretty notorious, huh?


[audio] marked_songbird November 29 2009, 09:56:32 UTC
[...you persona boys and your social links. 8|

she laughs] Really now?

It is, from what I've heard.


[Private| Voice] socialinksarego November 29 2009, 09:39:36 UTC
I found us some tables and chairs I can fix for now, and the lady whose house I'm cleaning gave me some extra worn sheets we can launder and cut up into tablecloth. Oh, and I might be able to get us some cooking equipment for a low price; the metal smith was pretty generous.

We have to look for someone who might have a good idea how to run an eatery... I'll go take a look at the ramen stand.

[[ooc: cafeteria is approved! Also, Souji working in the cafe as janitor at night, y/y?]]


[Private| Voice] marked_songbird November 29 2009, 09:44:19 UTC
Souji certainly makes new friends quickly! But remember not to work too hard.

I can help with the tablecloth.

That sounds like a good idea. I heard the man who owns the ramen stand is kind.

I'd ask the cafe owner, but I'm not sure how kindly he'd take with the thought of potential competition cutting into his profits.

[ooc: y! \o/ he can keep creepers from bothering Oruha. 8|]


Re: [Private| Voice] socialinksarego November 29 2009, 09:48:04 UTC
I only work as much as I can stand. Can you? Thanks, if it doesn't cut into your time so much.

I hope he doesn't mind another part-timer.

[ooc: *writes that into his schedule* They can go home together. ... how do I contact Nagi? ;A;]


[Private| Voice] marked_songbird November 29 2009, 10:00:49 UTC
I don't mind at all, and since I only work part time at the cafe for now, I should have plenty of time to do it.

I don't think he would. You should ask!

[ooc: More fodder for gossip about them! \o/ I mean... >.>;

Maybe send the mun a PM through Nagi's journal first? o: ]


[voice] epicureanshield November 29 2009, 10:37:45 UTC
Hm. If you're singing there, I may have to go.


[voice] marked_songbird November 29 2009, 10:48:53 UTC
[she laughs a little] Well, now...

[she pauses, then tilts her head to the side. the voice sounds like Haruka's but there's something different]

You sound an awful lot like Haruka.


[voice] epicureanshield November 29 2009, 10:55:27 UTC
[there's a momentary pause, and then a sound of agreement]

We're related.

I'm Doumeki Shizuka.

You know him?


[voice] marked_songbird November 29 2009, 10:58:16 UTC
Oh, so you're the relative he was talking about. [she's delighted by this]

I've only talked to him through the Forge, but he says he's going to show me around the city one of these days.


internecineowl November 29 2009, 11:05:09 UTC
You have a beautiful voice, miss... Oruha, was it?

I don't believe we've spoken before.


marked_songbird November 29 2009, 11:10:14 UTC
Yes, that's me. Hello!

And thank you, you're too kind.


voice lotus_keeper November 29 2009, 14:34:18 UTC
Does the cafe serve soba?


voice marked_songbird November 29 2009, 14:37:55 UTC
Soba? I'm not too sure. I didn't get a very good look at the menu.


voice lotus_keeper November 29 2009, 18:47:18 UTC


voice marked_songbird November 29 2009, 23:55:38 UTC
You could always check and see.


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