♖ 006; voice.

Dec 13, 2010 19:01

All this... snow. And the ice. They remind me of home.

[There's a long pause.]

I was trying to think of this place as a mercy, even with all the stuff I heard about, but... [he trails off.]
Maybe it's naive to try and give this place any kind of label. They never seem to fit.

dawn summers, balthier, kaname tousen, lust, priscilla, !hope estheim

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Comments 34

[Voice] bellcricket December 13 2010, 09:50:22 UTC
[You would get along nicely with Gin, then.]

Labels rarely do.


[Voice] elementally December 13 2010, 09:57:46 UTC
[they have matching hair, at the very least]

I know. That doesn't seem to really stop people, though. Even when they know better-- if you're desperate for something, labels are the first thing people grab. Or one of the things, anyway. From... what I've seen, at least.


[Voice] bellcricket December 13 2010, 10:00:17 UTC

No, what you said is true. That's certainly the way of the world... [Somewhat bitterly spoken.]


[Voice] elementally December 13 2010, 10:04:37 UTC
Of lots of worlds, maybe.


immortal_shot December 13 2010, 18:48:35 UTC
...Enough tragedy in your voice to make a bard weep. Not very fond memories of home, I take it.


elementally December 13 2010, 22:24:06 UTC
Make a bard weep?

I-- I have plenty of fond memories of home. There was some really bad stuff, too, but... this place being a mercy wasn't just it being a mercy for me.


immortal_shot December 14 2010, 04:46:33 UTC
They must be hard memories indeed if even a place such as this can be considered a mercy.


elementally December 14 2010, 11:33:38 UTC
Only some of them.

I was wrong about it being a mercy, anyway.


girl_unlocking December 13 2010, 19:36:36 UTC
It's not all bad. But ...sometimes it's just... [sigh]


...do they have ice skating where you're from?


elementally December 13 2010, 22:19:08 UTC
I know what you mean. It's not all bad, but it's... definitely not all good. [His voice drops a bit:] Nothing is, I guess.

[And a pause from him, too. Next he speaks, his voice is back to normal.]
Yeah, there was a rink at Palumpolum.

... why?


girl_unlocking December 14 2010, 00:12:02 UTC
...cause there's one in the park and it would be fun and we should go.

[Okay so it's not a rink proper, but it's frozen over and Anatolians are skating on it.]


elementally December 14 2010, 00:17:01 UTC

[. . .]

And... skate?

[brb, mild horror. He can barely walk without falling over.]


yetsleeping December 13 2010, 23:58:36 UTC
It's snowy where you come from, then?

[Someone sounds very sober today. She goes quiet for a moment.]

There are good things about it. Then again, there are awful things, too. I guess nothing is simple.


elementally December 14 2010, 00:06:09 UTC
[ Pause. ] No. Uh, they... the ice and snow makes me think of crystals.

[There's a shakey laugh, but it's not a happy sound.] That seems like a lesson the worlds just want to keep reminding us about.


yetsleeping December 14 2010, 00:08:11 UTC
[Wait, what?]



elementally December 14 2010, 00:12:10 UTC


It's not important.


sonvisage December 15 2010, 01:07:16 UTC
I thought of this place as a mercy as well, maybe moreso, when I first arrived. It's more complicated than that, but it's been a blessing for me, compared to what I left behind.

I'm sorry it hasn't been that way for you.

But the snow...

...I find it strangely calming.


elementally December 15 2010, 09:52:34 UTC
Some things were good to leave behind and-- and some things I can't stop missing.
It's fine. I'm... fine.

Do you have snow, where you come from?


sonvisage December 15 2010, 13:37:14 UTC
[Well, you just summed up the way she feels. Perfectly!]

I believe we did. [Well, not from her original home but does that even count?] I didn't pay it much mind, there. Here? Things are different.


elementally December 16 2010, 01:02:30 UTC
[He was going to ask why, and then thinks better of it. It'd be hard for it not to be different.]

Yeah. You're right.


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