♖ 003; voice. locked to priscilla

Nov 30, 2010 11:15

Hey, uh-- Priscilla ( Read more... )

priscilla, !hope estheim

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Comments 10

yetsleeping November 30 2010, 00:27:48 UTC
There's nothing at all wrong with splitting time! Sakura did that, herself. She--

--...she'll probably return eventually.

[She hopes.]

Anyway, it's fine.


elementally November 30 2010, 01:46:17 UTC
Okay. I'll do that.

[A long pause.] Is... does that happen here?


yetsleeping November 30 2010, 02:26:07 UTC
...it does. Not always, but... it does. More often than it doesn't.

Um. Sometimes it takes a few days. Or weeks.


elementally November 30 2010, 04:06:31 UTC
... Right. Right.

This... place is pretty strange, isn't it? [He knew that already, but...]


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