1st panic [[Voice]]

Nov 22, 2009 00:52

[[The Forge is turned on, accompanied by a high-pitched shriek and a collision. A nervous female voice begins to issue from the device.]]


[[Pause. Then-]]

A-Allen? Lenalee? Kanda? Anyone? Um, this is Miranda. I...think I'm lost. That is, I'm not sure where I am at the moment. Er, I just woke up in this room and I definitely don't recognize it because if I did I wouldn't be bothering everyone with my voice and I would be able to go outside and do my mission-

[[Miranda gives a hastily inhaled gasp which she begins to choke on.]]

Cough. Cough. Have I been kidnapped?! Did the Noah take me when I wasn't looking? Oh, I'm so stupid! Cough. What if the finders are being attacked right now by Akuma? What if the Black Order calls me with my new mission? Oh no, what am I doing here? Where is here? I've been kidnapped, haven't I? Why am I so easily kidnapped? I mean, I was kidnapped back in my hometown and then now of all times...I'm useless!

[[Her monologue is interrupted by some sniffles.]]

I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to be kidnapped! Um, if the person who kidnapped me is listening, please let me go! I haven't done anything-unless, I've offended you in some way? Eek! I haven't, have I? It's so like me to do so though. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorrrryyyy-

[[The audio then descends into a bunch of jumbled cries and lots of incoherent crying. Miranda has now descended into panic mode...]]

maurice "bosco" boscorelli, souji seta, !miranda lotto, oruha

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