
Sep 24, 2010 00:26


Quit yer bitchin'. Do something about it if yeh've got a problem.

Or just shut up.

!kenpachi zaraki, byakuya kuchiki, isley, kaien shiba, sephiroth, priscilla

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Comments 44

[ voice ] xnoble_reasonx September 24 2010, 07:47:36 UTC
What are you doing?


[ voice ] sinister_bells September 25 2010, 05:57:24 UTC
Givin' the world some advice. [His voice has a snappier than usual edge.]


[ voice ] xnoble_reasonx September 25 2010, 21:26:46 UTC
It didn't occur to you to take your own, I presume. [The world is lately snippy and people simply don't take that tone with Byakuya.]


[ voice ] sinister_bells September 26 2010, 00:19:21 UTC
[Oh, please try to make him not take that tone with you, Byakuya. He'd love a good fight right about now.]

Someone had to say it.


[ voice ] heartbetween September 25 2010, 05:27:12 UTC
Sometimes it helps people to talk, y'know? Better than bottling it all up and hurting on your own.

You don't have to listen to it if it's bothering you. The Forge does have an off button for that.

...But I guess you have the right to say it bothers you, too. Just...[A sigh, and then a soft sound.] I don't know. I wish I knew why the city's so on edge lately. People were so happy just a few days ago.


[ voice ] sinister_bells September 25 2010, 06:02:17 UTC
[He's never put much store in talking. And people don't have an off button.]

[He's less than impressed by Kaien's straddling the fence.]

[So have a very loud click as he turns the Forge off.]


[ voice ] heartbetween September 25 2010, 07:42:11 UTC

[Well, that was the advice he gave him, right?]

Glad my suggestion was useful...or something.


yetsleeping September 25 2010, 08:17:13 UTC
Talking about things can be helpful, though.

But. Action is always best. It's true.


sinister_bells September 26 2010, 00:15:05 UTC
Talking is one thing. Whining is another.

Glad yeh get it, though.


yetsleeping September 26 2010, 00:40:28 UTC
Don't I always?

[She laughs a little. And wiggles her feet.]

But who's whining, anyway?

...and is Yachiru okay!


sinister_bells September 26 2010, 01:19:37 UTC
[A quiet, short laugh]

S'pose ya do.

Everyone. Everyone's got some complaint and isn't doing anything about it. Makes a whole lot of racket and it's a waste of breath.

Yachiru's fine. [And thanks for asking.]


[ Voice ] swordofthenorth September 25 2010, 12:37:16 UTC
Not very eloquent... although I do agree with the intended significance of your words.


[ Voice ] sinister_bells September 26 2010, 00:17:26 UTC
Too bad more don't.

[A pause. He's trying to recognize the voice on the other end of the Forge.]

Who are you? [And can I fight you?]


[ Voice ] swordofthenorth September 26 2010, 00:57:46 UTC
My name is Isley.

[ Seemingly unperturbed by the query, or the poorly veiled interest. ]


[ Voice ] sinister_bells September 26 2010, 01:21:24 UTC
Kenpachi. You new?


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[ voice | private ] sinister_bells September 26 2010, 00:56:28 UTC
Heh. Glad you agree.

[A slight pause. All these people he doesn't know chatting with him today.]

Don't know who you are either.


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[ voice | private ] sinister_bells September 26 2010, 01:26:44 UTC
A name says a lot about a man. [Take that as you will.]


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