[The audio is slightly distorted by the sound of wind whipping around the Forge's speaker. Which means that Elena just has to speak louder into it.
She can do that.]Hey, we've had a few new arrivals lately, right? Some of you are probably alone here, so you really should look into personal protection... What I'm saying is, I have guns for sale!
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Comments 84
Although, that might get that guy's attention. Or every guy's attention!
Do you make a lot of money?
So yeah, usually!
Hey, you should expand! I mean, your business, not...the other thing. But I'm sure there's guys outside of the tunnels who'd like to do that too!
You're going after the Ivories pretty hard. If you need some that bad, I have a stash I've been saving for a rainy day.
Thanks, but you keep them. At this rate I'll be in overtime in just a few days. I'll have enough.
...I can still fight. But I ain't going back to Dismas until I feel like it.
I'd be interested in a gun and some lessons. But I've got no chance of paying that money right now. [Due some ridiculous promise that he'd be paying the whole rent this month.]
Can we work out something else? I'm willing to work for it, hmn.
Besides. She knows the pain of trying to live within a budget.]
How are you with your hands? I mean, are you any good at building stuff?
I'm good with my hands. [No bragging here, just a statement.] And I'm a fast learner. I can accomplish probably most of the stuff that you'd think of sending me to do. However, every shinobi excels in skulking around, defeating enemies and I particularly can demolish a shit load of stuff without much effort on my part. Plus, I can fly.
[Grin. Take that as you like, Elena.]
Wait. Did you say you can fly?
[Suddenly everything hinges on that.]
And to answer your question, yes, I have some familiarity with the concept, although I've never been one to make use of their services.
[He chuckles.]
Of the three vices of a shinobi, money was always the one I had the most success resisting.
And that's good! It means I can trust you to collect from the people who'll owe us.
[He chuckles.]
And of course you can trust me on this. I've never failed to complete any mission I've been given. I'll see to it that they'll pay every last ivory.
Will I have to wear the suit for this?
[She repeats that word with a sigh, clearly relieved now. Her schedule is tight enough as it is. The help is much appreciated.
It's just too bad he can't see her face when he mentions the suit.]
Sure! That's how people will recognize you. A united front, and all that. Besides, I bet it'll look nice on you.
[Now she hopes she is able to make it to the Arena in time, less for work and more to just to see another suit in Dismas.]
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