
Aug 27, 2010 15:38


Hel l o?

[Deja vu...

But then it turns to video, showing an inquisitive face. It hasn't been that many years since Elena was sixteen, but she still looks pretty different. Maybe it's the blonde ponytails, or the school uniform that's been swapped out for a Turk uniform ( Read more... )

zack fair, itachi uchiha, !elena, mihael "mello" keehl, scar, sasori, mail "matt" jeevas

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OW HEY OW >:3 onetoignite August 30 2010, 03:28:06 UTC

Christ, bossy. All right, I'll tell you - I don't remember the exact address, but if you're facing the florist you go three blocks left and take a right, then go six blocks straight down. There should be some sort of weird looking streetlight with a barrel next to it. It's across the way from that.

[...wait, did he say right? Maybe that was the left. Oh well, she'll find it eventually.]

Oh, and... I think they have a three drink minimum, although they don't tell newcomers about it. Just so you know.


HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT?? wellsuited August 30 2010, 04:07:12 UTC
[Three blocks left...got it.

Take a right, six blocks down. Got it!

...Streetlight with a barrel?]

Got it! Three drinks? I never let anyone out of the bar I worked in unless they drank at least four. And if they were Turks, I made them buy a whole bottle! Those jerks could afford it...paid for doing nothing.

Anyway, I won't forget this!

[No, really. She won't forget it.]


NOT AT ALL onetoignite August 30 2010, 04:55:37 UTC
Yeah? Well gee whiz, I'm sure glad to be of help, even if we had a bit of a misunderstanding there.

[Does he sound like he's smiling? That's probably bad.]

Oh and keep your eyes peeled, I hear there's some dirty Turks wandering around the area. Just as a heads up.


...sorry. wellsuited August 30 2010, 22:57:11 UTC
Oh, you bet I will. Thanks for the warning!

[She likes you Mr. deviant psychopath. You're good people.]


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