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Jul 27, 2010 02:13

[Tonight, Mei is in rare form. There isn't a smile on her face, but a determined frown. She has been paying attention and she does not approve of all these people and their misbehaving ways. To attack for no reason? They protected them! Fortunately, she hasn't been a victim herself. Being a little girl might help with that, or maybe it's because ( Read more... )

!mei chan, riza hawkeye, priscilla, naruto uzumaki

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Comments 36

[voice] firebornfidelis July 27 2010, 07:20:53 UTC
I'm fine, Mei. Naruto helped me.


[voice] pandamaiden July 27 2010, 08:02:37 UTC
Are you sure?


[voice] firebornfidelis July 27 2010, 18:00:36 UTC
It wasn't too bad. I don't think the knife hit anything vital.

[softly] You don't have to worry about me, Mei.


[voice] pandamaiden July 27 2010, 18:24:43 UTC
Of course I do, Riza-san.

I'm sorry I failed to reply in time...


[voice] couragetodare July 27 2010, 15:28:26 UTC
[Okay. It might be inappropriate but Naruto almost smiles at Mei's fierce declaration. She's right. It's just. You know. She is small and cute. ]

People are still being stupid, huh? [It is quite worrying though.]

Are you all right, Mei-chan?


[voice] pandamaiden July 27 2010, 18:21:25 UTC
They are... I don't know what's behind it, but I'll get to the bottom of it!

Hm? [She smiles a bit on her end.] I'm okay. No one's tried to hurt me yet.


[voice] couragetodare July 27 2010, 21:57:07 UTC
Whoa, hold up there half-pint! What's this 'get to the bottom of it' stuff? [Yeah, he doesn't think it's a great idea for Mei to go investigating and all...

No one's tried to hurt her. Yet. A wince.] That's kinda what I'm worried about. No one'd better try to hurt you.


[voice] pandamaiden July 27 2010, 22:27:22 UTC
But someone must! [She does not approve of bullying.] And you should know better than to call a lady like myself 'half-pint'! It's rude.

[She's going to 'hmph' now.] I know how to take care of bullies.


princely_calyx July 27 2010, 20:00:16 UTC
...Riza got hurt? [Someone hasn't had their Forge on.]


pandamaiden July 27 2010, 21:19:58 UTC
I think so...

Are you a friend of Riza-san's?


princely_calyx July 28 2010, 01:42:49 UTC
I am. [A bit more urgently.] Why do you think she's been hurt?


pandamaiden July 28 2010, 01:49:28 UTC
She made a post on the network, asking for help. [She's disappointed in herself.] I didn't get to answer it in time.


[ voice ] lonestray July 27 2010, 21:24:51 UTC
[Scar decides not to voice his objection to the idea of her going out there when the locals are acting up like this. He doubts it would really stop her right now anyway.]

It'd be best to avoid the main streets.


[ voice ] pandamaiden July 27 2010, 21:29:17 UTC
[Mei still hasn't forgotten Angeal's words and this just proves it. This is him saying 'i care' in Scar-ese. She's very happy with that.]

I'll be okay! You'd come if I needed help anyway. [She says this as if she's certain of it.]


[ voice ] moar phone tag, hee lonestray July 27 2010, 22:59:16 UTC
[Well that's true, but there's no guarantee he'd get there in time, particularly if he ran into trouble too.]

That doesn't mean you shouldn't take precautions.


[ voice ] xDD pandamaiden July 27 2010, 23:20:05 UTC
I will. I know you don't remember, but I got you out of trouble. If anyone should be worried, it should be me.

[She's teasing, though it's pretty true.]


yetsleeping July 28 2010, 01:19:32 UTC
Mei! Do you know anything about... healing animals?


pandamaiden July 28 2010, 01:30:02 UTC
I... [She hesitates.]

I've never tried, Priscilla-san. What happened?


yetsleeping July 28 2010, 01:53:22 UTC
There's a man hiding in the ruins with a creature called Ruby. She's injured, but... he says she won't allow him to bring her back into the city for help.


pandamaiden July 28 2010, 02:04:11 UTC
I see... I will see what I can do for her.

Do you know where they are, exactly?


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