voice mostly

Jul 07, 2010 00:20

I'm not dead. Just so we're all clear on that.

[A sigh from someone who sounds like he just spent a lot of time being very bored.]

Eight damn months of being able to wander wherever you like in a city... I guess most of you don't really get how nice that is, since you got all that crap back home. A whole city, still alive and kicking. And you're all too busy bitching that you can't just leave it. Ain't it funny how nobody notices freedom until they don't have it anymore?

Sure is nice having weather, too. Even if it's shitty and comes with a 40% chance of fuckin' zombies.

[The video turns on to show... Anatole, from somewhere up high. Some might recognize it as the view from the Patrol Headquarters, and when the camera shifts a little it's obvious that Senji is leaning unnecessarily far out of a window.]

...looks pretty clean from up here.

[And it's true - the streets are obviously clear of whatever zombie debris had been there before. Senji sounds oddly bitter about that fact.]

[After a moment, he pulls the Forge back in and turns it on himself, briefly - he looks much less sickly now - before switching it back to audio.]

Whatever, I'm ready to get the hell out of here already. Although I did get plenty of time to beat that level I never could as a kid... maybe it wasn't a total waste.

[Only at the end does he sound unusually pleased, but the audio cuts out then.]

!senji "crow" kiyomasa, scar, arthur pendragon, priscilla, jason todd

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