[ video ]

Jun 20, 2010 17:37


[Mei stares past the Forge, towards the poster that is advertising for entertainers.]

Do you think they'd let me? [Age always seems to get in the way here...

She lifts a dagger curiously.] I could use some practice.

Is anyone else going to be going? Scar-san? Riza-san?

eve, jennifer check, !mei chan, scar, riza hawkeye

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Comments 17

[ voice ] firebornfidelis June 21 2010, 00:21:19 UTC
No, not me, Mei. I don't think I'd be much of an entertainer.

You should try though. As long as it isn't too dangerous, I'm sure you'd be allowed.


[ voice ] pandamaiden June 22 2010, 16:19:52 UTC

I don't think there is any danger... but I will be sure to be careful.


[ voice ] firebornfidelis June 23 2010, 00:38:59 UTC
I don't have any skills in that area. I wouldn't really know how to keep people's attention, I suppose.

Good. It's probably safe, but it never hurts to be careful.


[ voice ] pandamaiden June 23 2010, 18:05:37 UTC
You don't think so?


[ voice ] will_shoot June 21 2010, 03:30:58 UTC
It has crossed my mind as well, although I do not think that it would be advisable for me, given the effect this world has had on my aim.

I hope you are successful, should you decide to audition! Please let me know if you are accepted!


[ voice ] pandamaiden June 22 2010, 16:17:51 UTC
You could work on it. I wouldn't mind helping you! I could make targets for you.

Thank you, Eve-san. I will be sure to do so!


[ voice ] will_shoot June 24 2010, 19:31:48 UTC
Oh! I would appreciate that very much!


oopsiatehim June 22 2010, 06:49:36 UTC
What's a kid like you doing tossing daggers around, anyway?


pandamaiden June 22 2010, 16:16:26 UTC
I use them in Rentanjutsu. {Simple, innocent response.]


...I'm so sorry for Jennifer. /)_(\ oopsiatehim June 22 2010, 17:46:56 UTC
You use them in what?

Sorry, I don't speak Asian Tongues.


xD no worries pandamaiden June 23 2010, 18:01:08 UTC
It's like alchemy. The daggers help concentrate the flow of energy.


[voice] couragetodare June 22 2010, 09:43:34 UTC
They might let you, as long as you can do what they ask. [Sounds dubious though.] You'd wanna try out for that?


[voice] pandamaiden June 22 2010, 16:15:07 UTC
I'm good at following directions. [Frown.] Why not? I'm pretty good at it.


[ voice ] lonestray June 22 2010, 21:40:45 UTC
I wouldn't be much of an entertainer. [This circus business is Senji's shtick.]

...Er. I could...come watch you if you like, though. [Awkwardly.]


[ voice ] pandamaiden June 23 2010, 17:58:36 UTC
You mean it...? You'll come watch if I get in?


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