[ 17 - voice!]

May 04, 2010 19:26

[That the feed is audio instead of video is the first sign that something is wrong.]

...Well. I got my zanpakutou back.

[And when he does speak up, his voice is a much more obvious indication that he's upset. His breathing is heavy as well, and he's panting, having combed all over the city and the ruins in shunpo searching for Angeal.]So. I can ( Read more... )

byakuya kuchiki, !kaien shiba, riza hawkeye, haji, sasori

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Comments 16

[voice, private] eternalscorpion May 5 2010, 02:34:36 UTC
[The agitation in Kaien's voice surprises Sasori somewhat-- maybe even concerns him a little.

...If he was inclined to be concerned. Which he isn't. Really.]

I'll go with you. Who are you searching for?


[voice, private] heartbetween May 5 2010, 03:06:14 UTC
Thanks, Sasori.

I'm looking for Angeal. Angeal Hewley. He's a bit taller than me, black hair, brown eyes. He looks about...Itachi's age? Maybe a little older.

[Because when you live as long as a shinigami, trying to give descriptions in terms of actual age that's comprehensible to a human become difficult.]


[voice, private] eternalscorpion May 5 2010, 08:04:41 UTC
I see. I've seen him on the network before.

[The likelihood that he's disappeared is rather strong, but Sasori suspects now might not be the best time to point this out. Oh well, he had business to attend to in Dismas in any event.]

Perhaps one of my acquaintances there might have seen him. It's worth asking around, I imagine.


[voice, private] heartbetween May 5 2010, 22:07:26 UTC
It's the only part of this place I haven't looked in, so if he's not down there I guess it'll mean he's really gone.

But I'm not gonna just accept that until I know for sure.


[ voice ] xnoble_reasonx May 5 2010, 02:38:03 UTC
You've lost your zanpakutou twice. It is proof you are incapable of doing what you want most.


[ voice ] So sorry for this, lawl. heartbetween May 5 2010, 03:07:18 UTC
Y'know what, you can just can it.

I'm not in the mood to deal with your crap today.

[Aaaand the line goes dead.]


[ video ] herchevalier May 5 2010, 02:41:47 UTC
[Haji is incapable of accepting that human beings will accept him, accept his sympathy. Not being able to protect someone... he knows this feeling well.

So he doesn't say anything, but he stares with video. He can't encourage him. He can't turn him away. However, Haji's offering with that look what he can't vocally.]


[ voice ] heartbetween May 5 2010, 22:11:58 UTC
[Kaien really doesn't feel like showing his face on video right now--partially because there's all sorts of signs of distress on his face and in his eyes and his voice is easier to control (even though he's not doing a good job of that, either) than his facial expression.

He appreciates the gesture, though, and there's the very weak, shaky beginnings of a smile on the face that Haji cannot see.]



voice dollchains May 5 2010, 02:53:06 UTC
[Silence. She's never heard Kaien like this. So sarcastic, so stressed -- it doesn't sound like her roommate. She's out, so she's picking it up over the network, but she's sure he would have tried to hide this side of himself from her anyway.] ... Kaien, what can I do?


voice heartbetween May 5 2010, 22:27:25 UTC
[What can she do? Kaien's first instinct is to tell her he's fine, not worry her. But she is worried and she is his friend and a brush off would not help her in feeling more comfortable trusting him, which is what he wants, so he pauses to think about it.

What can she do? Going to Dismas is too dangerous. And really, he just wants her not to disappear too, to stay safe where he can protect her. Eventually, that's just what he tells her.]

Stay safe for me, okay?


voice dollchains May 6 2010, 02:17:19 UTC
[He knows nothing about her, she realizes then, with a little jolt. They've never spoken about her past. He knows her as she is now. He doesn't know that once upon a time, a soulless doll sat in a white room and scrawled pictures that changed the world. How can he want her to trust him when there's no way he can trust her?

Silence for a moment. Then, quietly, with a faint glimmer of a smile,] I've never been safe in my whole life, and that's only a year or so. But I'll try.


[ voice ] firebornfidelis May 5 2010, 03:38:53 UTC
[She doesn't know him very well - only met him the once but the impression had been fairly favorable - but the word 'protect' makes her ears tick up and the distress in his voice worries her somewhat.]

Is there anything I can do to help, Kaien?


[ voice ] heartbetween May 5 2010, 22:21:00 UTC
...Have you seen a man named Angeal Hewley around? He's a bit taller than me, black hair, brown eyes. Looks about...[Crap, Riza doesn't know who Itachi is.] a bit older than Leon?


[ voice ] firebornfidelis May 5 2010, 22:34:45 UTC
No, but I can help you look. Does he have any other distinguishing features?


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