[voice only]

Nov 04, 2009 15:03

[There are sounds of shuffling and fumbling and a door closing, followed by the soft sound of a pouch? Cloth covering something, at the very least. There's no fumbling with the Forge, and video's deliberately turned off. The speaker's voice is soft, somewhat young sounding but only somewhat. He's not an adult yet, and not a child ( Read more... )

sakura haruno, !riku, sora, rolo lamperouge

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Comments 34

[Voice] sucker_punches November 4 2009, 07:33:15 UTC
I don't know about a key, but I have heard another person refer to currency as "munny," if that helps.


[Voice] biggestnobody November 4 2009, 08:01:47 UTC
Another person? Do you know their name?


[Voice] sucker_punches November 4 2009, 19:25:48 UTC
His name is Sora, but it looks like he's already found you.


[Voice, some time after her response] biggestnobody November 5 2009, 10:05:04 UTC
And trouble found him. Do you know a place where we can find books?


{voice; leave it to Sora to state the obvious} fightswithkeys November 4 2009, 09:59:34 UTC
[And there's the sound of fumbling as the forge is turned on, because there's no world out there where Sora won't recognize that voice.]

Riku! You're here!


[Voice] biggestnobody November 4 2009, 10:22:36 UTC
[Riku would say otherwise, really. He'd been right in front of Sora once before and Sora could barely recognize him...

But that's neither here or there, and Riku's just plain relieved]

Sora? Guess you're here too.


{voice;} fightswithkeys November 4 2009, 10:31:07 UTC
[He had looked and sounded like a nobody then. A nobody who had tried to kill him.

But now Sora was glad, despite the dangers of this world. He knew Riku could handle himself, and it was a relief to know he wasn't alone anymore.]

You woke up here too? Was Kairi with you?


[Voice only until I say so.] biggestnobody November 4 2009, 10:36:44 UTC
[Heartless. Ansem was a Heartless. Riku was in that form wearing the Organization's coat. He's pretty sure he wasn't a Nobody.

The question would be: Was Sora alone? He was hopeless without them.]

That's right. But I woke up alone. I guess she's not with you? Where are you? Who's with you?


keysofdestiny November 4 2009, 18:09:15 UTC
You're here now, too?


projectiles November 5 2009, 00:04:52 UTC
[ More curious about this person's methodical approach and its similarities to his than anything. ]

You can't leave.


biggestnobody November 5 2009, 10:03:38 UTC
Says who?


projectiles November 5 2009, 10:30:10 UTC
Repeated failed attempts at escape.


biggestnobody November 5 2009, 11:59:25 UTC
This is a locked world?


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