Video 2

Apr 09, 2010 20:51

[Roxas is humming a small tune as he sets the already running Forge on his bed. He takes a seat on the floor and smiles briefly to the camera.]

Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing fine, especially those who were attacked and all.

[His slight smile falters, obviously a bit saddened to hear of the news of the attacks.]

I've been here for a week or two ( Read more... )

!roxas, zack fair, namine, riza hawkeye

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Comments 26

i_love_squats April 10 2010, 01:07:52 UTC
Wait, you're thinking of hitting the library? I need to get over there and check some things out myself.


[video] thirteenth_key April 10 2010, 01:48:39 UTC
Oh! Hey Zack!

[Roxas smiles at the camera, flashing his pearly whites. He's happy to hear from someone somewhat familiar to him even if they've only met once before.]

You wanna go together then?


[video] i_love_squats April 10 2010, 01:57:52 UTC
[Roxas' enthusiasm is infectious. Smiling himself, he nodded, a few strands of his hair bobbing in agreement.]

Yeah, yeah, I'd like that. But I want you to keep your eye on the librarian. I don't trust the guy.


Re: [video] thirteenth_key April 10 2010, 02:12:59 UTC
[Roxas' smile grows even wider, if possible, as Zack agrees to join him.]


[His smile falters a bit and his brow raises at the mention of the librarian. Roxas didn't trust him either.]

Yeah, I sure will. What sane person keeps a blade collection?

[His voice takes on just a hint of that tone that teenagers so often use when they're being judgmental. He can't help it, he's a teenager.]


[video] firebornfidelis April 10 2010, 01:07:56 UTC
[She smiles slightly]

No need to thank me, Roxas. I'm glad you're acclimating.

[. . . and it fades a little. Her eyes take on a look of concern and her voice goes very soft]

Please be careful. That librarian doesn't think much of the Scorched, and it's still dangerous out there. Take someone with you if you go.


Re: [video] thirteenth_key April 10 2010, 01:50:19 UTC
Hey Riza. I just felt like thanks was needed, that guide really helped me out.

[He smiles sheepishly, his hand going up to gently scratch at the back of his head.]

I'll be careful! I promise I'll bring someone along if it'll make ya feel better.


[video] firebornfidelis April 10 2010, 01:59:38 UTC
[She smiles again, somewhat reassured. But she can't help but be concerned for him, what with the attacks and all the disappearances.]

It would, yes. No one should go out alone, at least until this whole murder situation is solved.

[Not that she's been taking her own advice. But her safety isn't what's important.]


Re: [video] thirteenth_key April 10 2010, 02:43:44 UTC
[Though Roxas feels as though he can take care of himself, he's not stupid enough to wander around a strange place with a killer on the loose. He nods, agreeing with the woman.]

Yeah. I guess I came here at the wrong time.

[Despite the truth in his words, he manages a smile.]


[video] dollchains April 10 2010, 02:47:27 UTC
You're going to the library?

[A little smile.] Have fun, okay? [He deserves it.] And be careful of that man. I don't... like the thought of him.


[video] thirteenth_key April 10 2010, 03:07:25 UTC
I will Namine.

[He gives her a warm smile.]

We'll have to get together soon, kay?


[video] dollchains April 10 2010, 03:15:40 UTC
Thank you.

[She beams.] That's a good idea. In the next few days, maybe?


[video] thirteenth_key April 10 2010, 03:44:42 UTC
Of course! We'll have to set up something.

Maybe we can...uh. I don't know. Explore or something?

Or just chat?


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