002 | [Video]

Feb 22, 2010 00:04

[Aaron refuses to look at the camera. Instead he awkwardly plays with the sleeve of the tattered jacket he's recently acquired and ducks his head.]

I was ho-hoping somebody could give- could give me a job... I-I don't have any special ski-skills or anything but I-I'd work hard. [He lifts his eyes briefly to the camera and offers a hint of a smile. ( Read more... )

byakuya kuchiki, sasuke uchiha, !aaron stampler, tohru adachi, namine, genkaku, nina fortner/anna liebert

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Comments 44

Text. righttocarry February 22 2010, 06:08:58 UTC
Oh, gee. Sounds like you need a bodyguard, buddy. Haha, or just a friend.


[Video] thebutcherboy February 22 2010, 06:20:18 UTC
[Aaron blinks in absolute surprise, his mouth opening and closing a few times as he tries to overcome his shock.] I-I couldn't po-possibly afford a bodyguard, sir!


[Video] righttocarry February 22 2010, 06:47:06 UTC
...Bodyguards are expensive? Bodyguards get paid? Oh man, have I been missing out!


[Video] thebutcherboy February 22 2010, 06:49:22 UTC
Y-yes, sir, they do! Only import- important people like the President and c-celebrities have them.


[ video ] heartbetween February 22 2010, 06:12:00 UTC
Nagi's a good guy to ask for a job. He pays pretty well, and he's a lot nicer than most of the locals who own businesses.

Also, hey. There's a dojo run by Naruto Uzumaki, offering self-defense lessons for free. Though in the meantime, if you'd need an escort anywhere, you're free to give me a call.


[ video ] thebutcherboy February 22 2010, 06:26:57 UTC
[Aaron looks pleasantly surprised.] I've ta-talked to Mr. Nagi! You think he- think he'd maybe hire someone like- like me?

A dojo? I ain't ever heard of- of a dojo before, sir... Is it like a- a gym? A-and thank you... I been kind of sca-scared to... to go out...


[Video!] likethebeast February 22 2010, 07:23:37 UTC
[Have a smiling Nina.]

Is that a new jacket, Aaron?

If you need a job, I'd have to second Nagi's shop. He's very nice, and that's where I work, too. I'm sure he could find something for you.

[And now she looks a little concerned. For him. Silly Nina.]

...you don't have to be embarrassed to ask for help, you know, especially in times like this. I know some self-defense myself. I could teach you a few things, if you'd like.


[Video!] thebutcherboy February 22 2010, 19:44:16 UTC
[Aaron breaks into a shy smile and averts his eyes.] Y-yes it is, Miss Nina. It's no-nothing much but it's better than- better than what I had.

[His eyes lift and he's still got that smile on his face. Because gosh is she nice!]If w-we worked together you could show- show me how to do everything! ...If you wa-wanted to, I mean.

[And looking away again because eye contact -- even through a video thing -- is not Aaron's forte.] ...I'm not sure. I'm not v-very strong...


[Video] xnoble_reasonx February 22 2010, 07:58:54 UTC
How are your culinary skills?


[Video] thebutcherboy February 22 2010, 19:39:38 UTC
They ar-aren't the greatest, sir... B-but I'd work hard at them!


[video] prayforprey February 22 2010, 15:10:31 UTC
Shit, kid, s'wrong with you? You got turrets?


[video] thebutcherboy February 22 2010, 19:38:47 UTC
N-no, sir! At least I do-I don't think I do...


[video] prayforprey February 23 2010, 02:28:59 UTC
Why ya stutterin' so much then?


[video] thebutcherboy February 23 2010, 02:33:41 UTC
[Oh well now he's just flustered!] I-I alwa-a-always been like this. Ever since- since I ca-can remember..


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