
Dec 10, 2010 20:11

So I just had two finals and, arriving at home, speedily downloaded the LQ version of Plastic Tears. Two seconds into the performance and I whimpered.

Kame, I knew there would be a lot of hip-shaking and swaying going on, but I did not expect a STRIP TEASE. Ok, so no clothes were taken off sadly but Kame being Kame had to tease.

Things my brain was ( Read more... )

watch my bias explode, kame, flailing all over the place

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Comments 73

ilovekamechan December 11 2010, 04:28:32 UTC
hi-fi, low-fi: this performance is a hazard HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ( ... )


ilovekamechan December 11 2010, 04:29:43 UTC
wishing you all the best for the finals! did you do well? all the best anyway! :) we've got plastic tears performance as a back up NONETHELESS. LOL! hahahaa


scorch66 December 11 2010, 04:46:24 UTC
Thank you! ♥ I hope I did well; I feel good about it, nevertheless. :) Just one more exam to go!

Kame definitely makes it all better. *o*


scorch66 December 11 2010, 04:44:59 UTC
I was gaping the entire time too! Has Kame ever done such an ero performance before (excluding concerts)...? This was really something else. I think I'm still in shock. :\

Pfft, brothers. They don't realize when to leave a fangirl alone. xP

Lol, the line about Maru being uncomfortable is my own theory ^^; I mean, can anyone be calm watching all that up close omg the audience was so lucky T__T


mnemonic_psych December 11 2010, 04:33:41 UTC

AGREEING WITH EVERYTHING. been listening to the song all day *___*. i generally make it a point not to watch LQ clips, but this. I just couldn't not. And then I saw caps and there was just no question of not watching it. Now tho, I am holding out for HQ to rewatch the Kamenashi in all his glory *__________*. and seriously, the dancing, SO GOOD. KAMEEEEEEEE T________T ♥

tho there is one thing i am slightly sad about......i kindof want to see kame in black skinny jeans T_T.....COME ON KAME-SAMA, YOU CAN DO IT!!!

p.s. I hope your finals went well??? ksjdfhds i saved Plastic Tears as a reward to watch after my geog final XD;


scorch66 December 11 2010, 04:54:04 UTC

s-skinny jeans... *_____* I personally wanted something sleaveless, but the shoulder teasing and Kame touching himself compensated. :Q__

They did! ♥ I have one more to go still :( Ah, Kame~ Motivating fangirls to work hard by tempting them with his hips.


alienashi December 11 2010, 05:24:10 UTC
*kame-sama tempts you*

... )


mnemonic_psych December 11 2010, 05:38:04 UTC
/RIGHT-CLICK SAVES *_________________________* ♥


alienashi December 11 2010, 05:27:46 UTC
I had needed to cover my mouth watching it. It was THAT SINFUL.


1. the booty shaking in the begining.

... )


mnemonic_psych December 11 2010, 05:38:50 UTC


mnemonic_psych December 11 2010, 05:39:45 UTC
skdjfshd sry, in my excitement i posted under the wrong thread. meant to reply to joo >>;;;;;;


alienashi December 11 2010, 05:49:39 UTC

...moni i haven't friended you on lj! I just realized!


krysyuy December 11 2010, 06:22:37 UTC

No words can express how absolutely fabulous I found the perf. I was laughing giddily during the whole thing, no joke. Yeah, I was doing the whole giggly fangirl-y thing. OTL Hope we get a studio version of the song. :3

Don't even get me started on Junior Colosseum, which was a whole other level of crackiness, lolol. Oh, Kame...


your icon says it all scorch66 December 11 2010, 06:33:26 UTC
I usually do the giggly fangirl-thing during his performances. But this time I just sat back leaned forward and STARED. My eyes, they would not move from the screen. *____* What'd you think of the choreo?

zomg, I just watched it! Can't understand half of it, but SKEEVEY MARU XDD And Kame's girly actions like tucking in his hair behind his ear akajhla he knows us so well. I kinda adore how his acting ability shines through here. ♥


Re: your icon says it all krysyuy December 11 2010, 06:49:57 UTC
I loved the choreo and absolutely adored the dance part. I mean, the choreo was better than I expected (I wouldn't mind if KT danced more like that, lol), but then again, if it had been a slower paced song, I'm sure we'd have gotten some of the more typical moves. xD But I love how the song was fast in the Rabbit or Wolf kind of way, and yet Kame incorporated dance moves into it. :D I also love how this is his Christmas present to us, lol (so says Koyama!). There's this one part where Kame smiles towards the end of the perf that I love, love, love (it's really quick). I'm totally gifing it when I get home on Sunday ( ... )


Threadhop! alienashi December 11 2010, 07:00:42 UTC
I can't imagine Kame will keep this song (I mean, he'd already have something new).

I think he will have something new, but it doesn't matter because what he wants to have as his solo in the album and on stage is different. I would like them to incorporate more colabs, and looking at things I think they might just be crazy enough to do random colabs. But we never know, I thought NxO was supposed to a ballad and it turns out ....

I don't like the Junior who is obviously a favorite of Kame's

You mean Kento? Kame flirts with him a lot, and I think he's quite cute .. the next big thing I suppose?


black_rose45000 December 11 2010, 12:08:30 UTC
a friend of mine also advised me not to drink/eat during the perf and i was like ''puh-lease, you think i can do anything else beside keeping my eyes glued to the screen? blasphemy!'' :P

really like your highlights :D
1. i love that he's chubbier too ♥♥♥ and somehow he looked really cute/endearing in those clothes, like they highlighted his chubbiness and half of the time i just wanted to squish him lol while the other half i wanted to jump him, course...
oh, but if you're talking about the butt shaking in the very beginning, wasn't that rather funny than sexy? :D i cracked up so much, but liked it nonetheless because it was him being all natural and himself, even if it meant being weird/funny. (gosh, i feel like my bias has reached different levels >.>)
2. i died a bit each time
... )


scorch66 December 12 2010, 01:46:57 UTC
1. A chubby Kame is a squishy Kame. I want to glomp him so bad. ♥ The but shaking was funny! It was such a Kame move, teasing and playing around, and it totally made me think 'oh, this is going to be good...' Because I like Kame's performance's best when he's comfortable on stage and he OWNED it this time. *___* So I basically liked it for the same reason you do lol. And zomg *gasp* I-I think you may have become a full-fledged Kametard. Don't deny it! I SEE YOUR BIAS. IT IS OVERFLOWING. XDD ♥
2. You've been remembering the wrong thing lol. *bricked* But his hair was loose and floppy this time so it did make his bedroom eyes look more...bedroom-y? But gosh I love his hair when it's ungeled *____* And his chubby cheeks made his smile so soft and- I melted, basically.
3. YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED IT?! D: So you've been complaining about missing KT which i do all the time, too but haven't watched the stuff they've provided thus far? O.o; You have nerves of steal. But waaatch it. Kame's so high and gorgeous and high5. I'm following! What makes ( ... )


black_rose45000 December 12 2010, 11:13:46 UTC
Because I like Kame's performance's best when he's comfortable on stage and he OWNED it this time.
yes. definitely. it's not like he's not usually comfortable, but he tries to hard and puts on that star aura, it's like this time he looked like he was just having fun, enjoying himself. idek...

And zomg *gasp* I-I think you may have become a full-fledged Kametard. Don't deny it! I SEE YOUR BIAS. IT IS OVERFLOWING. XDD ♥
... )


scorch66 December 12 2010, 20:38:24 UTC
Yep, that's why I don't think the Kame of 2006 could have pulled this off. I feel he was more nervous back then, trying to meet everyone's expectations. Now, while I still think he cares, he doesn't let the pressure get to him (or he's already grown accustomed to it).

Very, very high. And T-TUN weren't near him so there was no holding him back. Lol, their awkward faces as they waited for Kame to settle down. XD I'd show you a gif of the highest moment, but I don't want to spoil you, so watch it! :D



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