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Comments 13

mrs_koki February 8 2015, 05:08:57 UTC
Oh I love Go Fetch...it's so adorable! XD

Somehow the title No Sugar No Cream really just sets of my porn radar and ensuing giggle fits, but in a good way XD

While it does suck you won't be writing KoKame any more, I love those fics of yours, BUT I can understand why you're not writing them any longer. I respect that, I totally do. Can you write more KameDa instead?! XD

How have you been lately? XD


scorch66 February 22 2015, 04:08:10 UTC
Turning the boys into furry animals was almost cheating to get the adorable points x3

.......o m g I never read the title like that BUT NOW I SEE IT AND LOL. *joins the giggling*

Awww thank you; the fond, nostalgic memories are still there at least *preserves them and protects them from the bad feels* :|b sob KameDa is so hard since I'm repetitive with how I write them... (but i bet you their duet will jumpstart my muse u__u /easy)

I'm quite good! Just trying to find the right balance between work and school and fun times, like most of ;D Hope you're doing great ♥!


mrs_koki February 22 2015, 04:28:08 UTC
Hey whatever gets adorable points works for me XD <3

You're welcome xD I take the good memories with the bad, like I do Jin. Or did when I actually cared about Jin's career one way or another lol. *hugs* Hmm what JunNo instead or JunDa? I'll take repetitive any day of the week. lol.

My brain takes practically any fic title and it sets of my porn radar. I'm strange that way *giggles*

Oh that's good. You'll get it worked out soon. Me? I'm doing okay, been jobless for 3yrs now. I was fired from my last one cause they're assholes and said I wasn't doing what I was told or some shit. Other than that, I've got a KoKame fic on hold that I started long before Koki got screwed over and was fired. But the fact that I can't finish the damn thing is more mental and than Koki no longer being a member of KT, on official terms anyway.


scorch66 February 22 2015, 05:02:12 UTC
I am too Kame-centric to write a ship without him lolol I would end up squeezing him into it somehow. It's not that I can't ship pairings outside him, but if it's something I writing, Kame is my major muse. <3

Oh no :( I'm sorry to hear that :( *hugs* It's easy for me to say since I'm not the one in your shoes, but I hope you're able to continue being positive. Wishing that 2015 brings new, happy opportunities to you, Jackie. ♥


abyssinian13 February 8 2015, 16:02:03 UTC
nakameno?? definitely interested..KT bodswap, that would be fun..and taira kei..yes to writing him into anything..i would really like to know your thoughts on taira kei..first impression?

i love all of your fics, i've re-read most of them multiple times..they are kind of stress-relieving at times and quite enjoyable all the time..so thanks for sharing them, sara..

(nakameno is going to stick in my mind now that you've mentioned it here..)


scorch66 February 22 2015, 04:15:55 UTC
THE NAKAMENO IS EVERYWHERE *CLAWS AT FACE* they will get to me eventually T_T

and woot! I can already cross off the taira kei goal off my list since it has been accomplished, and not two months into the new year too; not bad, self \**/ I'm not done with him yet though; I'm so drawn by his character that I want to write him in everything x3

My first impression of Kei was that he was a puppy-ish, straightforward guy who didn't have much self-pride lol but 3 eps later and Kei is swelling with an ego. I love it though, that he doesn't just settle, even if that selfish hope is what crushes him. Can't wait to see how he'll handle Yui's baggage *coughcrazymom* and how their relationship and his career will evolve. i'm really just waiting to see things get nasty fhdjsk i wonder how they'll pick up the pieces when everything shatters as it is bound to do


(see, they're already getting to you too DDD:)


ladyc2 February 17 2015, 23:48:24 UTC
I love these memes because it's always interesting to see what people think about their own stories.

I think Spa Treatment is my fave of your fics as well (and not just because you wrote it for me ;) ). You just can't go wrong with warm, fluffy NaKame feels.

I'll definitely look forward to the Spidey!AU and the KT bodyswap fic (although I imagine bodyswap fic must be so hard to write - keeping it clear who's who and in which body without confusing yourself or the reader, especially with multiple swaps going on).


scorch66 February 22 2015, 04:24:26 UTC
Heeee glad the ramblings didn't scare you away x3

♥♥ You really cannot go wrong with nakame, they're like chicken soup for the soul.

Ugh, yes, keeping the povs in the body swap fic organized is definitely going to be hard Dx I remember I had a similar problem when I wrote my akame fic since I was writing both the past and present personas of Jin and Kame at once and even I got @_@ If anything, I'll have to use subheadings to clarify who is in whose body. The crack should be worth the difficulty ;D


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