I still read LJ. I don't post journals to FA because there is no way to control them, so I will stick with Twitter and LJ which do provide some control. (IF I ever get around do doing another LJ post!)
Like tjcoyote I don't use FA journals because of the lack of control. It is completely public. I have family and ex friends that know my furry name and are aware of my FA page. I do not want them reading personal or sensitive information. Which is stuff I occassionally like to write about... Everything I use (Twitter, FB, LiveJournal) is super locked down for friends only. It's just a lot more comfortable to me.
Also, and this is just a personal preference, I hate the way journal entries are displayed on FA. I am watching over 1000 people. Daily I get over 100 journals on there. Having to try and read the subject line of every single one, often having it be completely misleading and the entry entirely pointless is a strenuous waste of time. If I could scroll through multiple entries and easily view the content of the post like on LJ I'd be much happier! XD
Here for the long time. Never leaving, even with their problems.
Its better than FA, esp if you want to filter people from reading, drama is much less, and its easier to read older posts. Plus, I met you on here before I did on FA! XD
I still use LJ all the time! I try to make a point of posting a journal a week and I read all of my friends' posts every day. If anything, LJ is a good way for me to track my own life progress in writing. =]
Comments 14
Also, and this is just a personal preference, I hate the way journal entries are displayed on FA. I am watching over 1000 people. Daily I get over 100 journals on there. Having to try and read the subject line of every single one, often having it be completely misleading and the entry entirely pointless is a strenuous waste of time. If I could scroll through multiple entries and easily view the content of the post like on LJ I'd be much happier! XD
Its better than FA, esp if you want to filter people from reading, drama is much less, and its easier to read older posts. Plus, I met you on here before I did on FA! XD
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