rj_anderson, and other Christian Whovians, did you see
this article by Terry Pratchett about Doctor Who? Specifically the whole part where he says the Doctor has been treated like a Messiah lately? I giggled the whole way through it: nobody can say it's just us Christians seeing things! (Though so far, Moffat seems to be better about it. And about
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Comments 9
Wait... it isn't? I'm so confused; I thought ST was the epitome of sci fi. O_o So what is sci fi?
(Of course, I never watched much of it so I don't really know how sci fi or not it is.)
A true, solid, thorough, "hard" sci fi deals entirely with known science. Maybe the technology hasn't been developed yet, but it's not outside the realm of possibility, based on what we already know about the universe.
Sci fi is "softer" when the author(s) break known laws and make up more stuff, even if that stuff is internally consistent and treated in a realistic way. Anything - anything - that has faster-than-light travel is fairly soft sci fi, as right now that's contrary to the known laws of time/space. Meaning that Firefly is "harder" than Star Trek because there are a) no aliens and b) no faster than light travel.
Doctor Who is pretty much science fantasy. (Not that I mind!) And, actually, the above link is a pretty good discussion on the whole thing, with a ranking for series. TVTropes.org definitely has its uses!
Well, yes, in a narrative sense... but did you see this article?
The Time Vortex, on the other hand...
(Of course the interesting thing about Pterry is that though he's a paid up humanist, he has a very good grasp of how religious imagery works.)
I just love his "It makes no scientific sense but it's hugely entertaining" opinion of the whole thing.
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