Title: A Game of Strategy Pairing: Jack/Sky Rating: G AN: Set in the same ‘verse as my previous SPD/Babylon 5 fic, but set way earlier. The early years, if you like.
I love you so hard right now! *squeeeeeee!!!!!!* Life within PsiCorps - not something one sees much of. With this, one could compare life at PsiCorps as not all that different from other Academies/learning institutes.
And then the harsh reality sets in and realize it's all a lie. This really makes the previous story that much more sad and heartwrenching.
*grins and glomps back* SPD/B5 forever. :D I do have ideas for where I want to take things from after the original story but going back and filling in some blanks is fun too. ;) So there'll be more of this at some point and it gives me the opportunity to go in directions I normally prefer not to so that should be challenging. :)
::is touched and saddened and vaguely creeped out:: It's funny... it's not dark, but it feels dark because prior knowledge of Psi Corps gives Sky's assignment a sinister feel and Jack's "adjustment" a much lonelier tone ^_^
Thank you for reading. :) I think the thing I love most about writing in this 'verse is the potential it has to really run the gamut of emotions and I can play with a lot of details while doing so. ♥
Comments 4
And then the harsh reality sets in and realize it's all a lie. This really makes the previous story that much more sad and heartwrenching.
*glomps kiri and b5spdness*
Thank you for writing ♥
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