Title: Precautions Pairing: Ryouga/Yukito technically, but it's not really the point Fandom: Abaranger Rating: PG Episodes referenced: #30 and 31 AN: Originally written for toku100 but it went over the word limit. :(
This is exactly right and awful; I love how much unspoken stuff you hint at here. Ryouga's utter horror at actually planning for the day when he'll die, Yukito's steely grimness in giving him the idea but not wanting to do it, and gah.
I know! It's kind of depressing, huh? :( But I think it works for this season whereas it wouldn't necessarily for others, because they don't have any dependents to worry about.
It is extremely depressing! Yes, absolutely; it IS something that they should be thinking about. Because in this season the stakes are higher if Red doesn't come back. :(
Even though Red always comes back. ;) But yeah, I think just in general it's something they'd worry about because *they* wouldn't know that Reds always survive. ;)
This is really good. I like your premise here and how well you've illustrated the concern and vulnerability that Ryouga must be feeling. It brings the responsibility they carry and the dangers they face to a very personal level and I love that you've obviously put a lot of thought into this piece - it shows through clearly in the writing. I'm not especially familiar with this series, so it threw me a little to see Kai in this. Have I missed something/someone?
Comments 6
This is exactly right and awful; I love how much unspoken stuff you hint at here. Ryouga's utter horror at actually planning for the day when he'll die, Yukito's steely grimness in giving him the idea but not wanting to do it, and gah.
I'm not especially familiar with this series, so it threw me a little to see Kai in this. Have I missed something/someone?
And no, that's a typo I missed. *facepalms* It's supposed to be Mai, not Kai. It's fixed now, though.
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