Siblings (Hiyori, Tendou. Kabuto)

Feb 27, 2010 10:41

Title: Siblings
Characters: Hiyori, Tendou
Fandom: Kamen Rider Kabuto
Rating: G
AN: For niav who requested fic involving Tendou, Hiyori and Renge. I didn't manage to get Renge in but I hope this is okay, even so. Post-series. Also, it's been ages since I watched Kabuto so if characterisation's off, I'm sorry. :(

Hiyori frowned down at the piece of paper in front of her. It was as if the words written there were mocking her, taunting her with her inability to get it quite right. Her elbows resting on the table in the kitchen of La Salle, Hiyori sat at the table, her chin in her hand and wondered just what exactly was missing from this recipe that would make it work. Oh, it was alright as it was but there was just… something missing. And she couldn’t figure it out. Even the scent of the sauce seemed to be mocking her, she thought in frustration.

She felt more than heard movement behind her, so she didn’t start in surprise as a hand came to rest on her shoulder. She didn’t even have to look up to know that Souji was studying the recipe intently and a faint swell of hope bubbled up as he leant forward to get a closer look: Souji knew food better than anyone, surely he would know what was missing. It galled her to admit that maybe her brother would be able to solve the puzzle where she couldn’t but she wanted the recipe to work more than she cared about her pride.

“Grandmother said this,” he said solemnly and she sighed, even as her mouth quirked up into a faint smile. “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” In other words, keep going. Even if he knew what was missing he wasn’t going to tell her, she knew it from the moment he had begun with those immortal words. This was something she was just going to have to figure out for herself.

“You’re not helping,” she told him anyway, finally lifting her head to look at him. He only grinned and primly dipped a finger in the sauce. His expression remained unreadable and his only reaction was a thoughtful ‘Hmmm’.

Hiyori resisted the urge to bang her head against the table.

The 'Grandmother says this' quote is actually Confucious, in case anyone was wondering.

genre: gen, fandom: kamen rider kabuto, challenge: birthday meme, genre: post-series

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