It's that time of year... MAKE REQUESTS

Jun 20, 2008 12:21

June of 2005... June of 2006... May of 2007...

Yes, I am doing the fic-a-day challenge again this year! Since I will be taking a class in June May that will keep me quite busy and on the road, I'm doing the writing in June. However as was the case last year, I'm going to do this on my own and not associated with
fic_on_demand. That means I need challenges/requests from all you lovely people!

See last year's post about requests.
See my list of fandoms here. If I've missed something and you think or know I'm familiar with it, go ahead with it, too.

Making Requests:

-- Comment with however many requests you'd like.
-- I cannot promise that I will fulfill the request or necessarily even make the attempt, sorry. ;;^_^
-- Keep in mind I'm attempting to complete a story a day, so multi-chapter epics aren't a good thing to ask for.
-- Please feel free to request sequel/prequel/companion stories to fic I've already written.
-- Requests do not have to be specific and could just be prompts without character or fandom requests.
-- I'm mostly a slash and gen girl. Het and femslash is perfectly acceptable, though. Also, I'm not known to write threesomes.
-- I'm not partial to smut, but I certainly write it. Any rating fine.
I will not write:

-- Shota/chan fic. (i.e. one character is underage and other is adult. Winter/spring relationships don't bother me, though. Seeing as I'm actually a Snarry fan, though, I will write things set some years after the younger partner has been in adulthood. Comprende? Wakarimasu ka? Capiche?)
-- Incest. no we aren't going to mention that little threesome Firefly fic....*scowls*
-- Mpreg. *cough* =u_u= Unless muse!River takes over a story again.... Even then I'm not doing it seriously.
-- Beastiality, non-con between story's couple, most kinks (some BDSM and very light fetishism is about as far as I'll go).
-- Er... pairings I can't make myself write: Johnny/Walt (The Dead Zone), Jack/Sam (Stargate), non- Face/Murdock slash (A-Team), Gil/Sara (CSI)

A few things I'm interested in...

-- My OTPs, of course: Bruce/Johnny (The Dead Zone), Gil/Greg (CSI), Jack/Will (PotC), Han/Luke (Star Wars, okay not exactly otp, but I love them), Illya/Napoleon (Man from UNCLE)... etc. I think y'all know me. ^_^ or at least can figure it out through my fic listings.
-- Some pairing ideas that have intrigued me: Bruce/Walt (The Dead Zone, why?! the prob I have with W/J is leaving Sarah alone! >.<), Barbossa/Elizabeth (PotC), Tseng/Zack (Crisis Core)
-- Amnesia!fic, my pet cliche T_T

Information here will probably be updated as the date to be begin nears. =) Also, feel free to continue making requests into the writing month.

*note about HP fic-writing... I have not read HBP or DH, though I know most of HBP. I know very little about DH and want to keep it that way.

fanfiction, june!fic 2008

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