[Round 6] Art Pre-Game Claiming Post

Jun 25, 2014 16:17

How will art claiming work this year?

Artists: On Tuesday, July 1st, a post similar to this will go up. Please reply to the post with your top three picks. You will be given one of those choices on a first come, first serve basis. You do not have to list three stories if you're not interested in doing art for any of those stories ( Read more... )

.round6, !modpost

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Comments 3

stars_inthe_sky June 25 2014, 22:30:02 UTC
I have the longest frakking title, sorry. Did one of the mods get my/raktajinos's memo about hir doing my artwork? We got matched last year and were hoping to work together again...thanks!


danceswithgary June 25 2014, 22:41:39 UTC
I will be participating as an artist.


moon01234 June 27 2014, 13:12:31 UTC
Actually, I'm going to change the title of my story to "Family first." (Just decided like 3h ago.) Just a little warning before sending in the rough draft.


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