Summary and Rough Draft Turn in 2014

Jun 16, 2014 13:49

Sorry I wasn't able to get this posted yesterday! We lost power and I couldn't get online. But here it is now! Let me know if anything is unclear.

How to Submit Your Summary:

Just a reminder, this is mandatory and you need to fill out the following info and comment with it on this post by June 23rd or else you will be dropped. If there is some ( Read more... )


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alexcat June 17 2014, 04:34:32 UTC
Title: Gone Fishin'
Author: (Especially if you use a different pen name than your username) alexcat at DW LJ and Ao3.
Fandom: Stargate: SG-1
Big or Mini Bang: Mini Bang
Genre: Adventure
Rating: PG
Summary: Jack O'Neill is tired of his desk job and decides to visit Charlie, a young friend, and take him on a small adventure.
Any other author's notes/warnings: Charlie is the boy from the episode Show and Tell who is made by the Re
tu to warn Earth about an impending threat.


nickygabriel June 24 2014, 17:55:51 UTC
I can't wait for this one!


alexcat August 7 2014, 05:02:28 UTC
It won't be long until posting time~!


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