Title: Untitled At This Point Author: not_from_stars Fandom: Primeval Category: AU Rating: PG-13 to R Summary: After being stuck in the Pleistocene for five years, Abby is having a hard time re-acclimating to life in the present time period. Her reactions and the way she thinks is no longer the way that she used to be. Feeling lost and out of touch, Abby seriously considers whether she belongs in the life she had wanted so bad to get back to. It will take all of the efforts of Becker -- as well as Danny and Connor -- to convince her that no matter what changes there have been, she still has a home ... with them. Any other author's notes/warnings: This is a sequel to my last year's scifibigbangAcross The Borders Of Time. There will be slash and possibly the establishing of a foursome.
Author: not_from_stars
Fandom: Primeval
Category: AU
Rating: PG-13 to R
Summary: After being stuck in the Pleistocene for five years, Abby is having a hard time re-acclimating to life in the present time period. Her reactions and the way she thinks is no longer the way that she used to be. Feeling lost and out of touch, Abby seriously considers whether she belongs in the life she had wanted so bad to get back to. It will take all of the efforts of Becker -- as well as Danny and Connor -- to convince her that no matter what changes there have been, she still has a home ... with them.
Any other author's notes/warnings: This is a sequel to my last year's scifibigbang Across The Borders Of Time. There will be slash and possibly the establishing of a foursome.
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