Title: In the Shadows of the Flames
Author name:
BeccaStareyesArtist name:
sanadafayeBeta name:
yuuoWord Count: 20,100
Fandom: Vision of Escaflowne
Rating: PG
Main Characters: Allen Schezar, Celena Schezar, Van Fanel, Millerna Aston
Genre: Drama/Action-Adventure
Summary: Several months after the Destiny War, Asturian's northern border is troubled by a rogue guymelef. Sir Allen Schezar is sent to deal with it, but Zaibach's shadow still falls on his family, as Celena struggles to tell her brother the truth.
Warnings: Spoilers for all of Escaflowne. Safety on character mortality is set to off.
Disclaimer: Vision of Escaflowne copyright Shoji Kawamori and this derivative work was created without permission.
PrologueChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5