Participation Banners

May 28, 2010 11:50

Sorry that these are so late! I lost my template halfway through making them and had to make a new one. So some of them are slightly different!

If you forgot to ask for one, you can ask here! If I forgot to make you one, let me know and I'll fix my mistake ASAP.

Here they are! )

round: three, banner post

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Comments 8

scifishipper May 28 2010, 19:20:22 UTC
Of course, I forgot to ask for one. Can I ask for one in perpetuity? ;)


ETA: The new tags look awesome! What a huge amount of work. And I love the links at the top for the themes, sign-ups and winners. Perfect!


deternot May 28 2010, 20:13:36 UTC
It doesn't look like you submitted this round. I might be just missing something right in front of me again- can you point me toward your submission post?

I'm glad you like the new tagging system!


scifishipper May 28 2010, 20:54:53 UTC

No, really, it's me. I'm a total dork. I did not submit this round.

LOL! Sorry. (But I still stand by my comment about the excellent tagging system.)

*goes to find brain*


sczep84 May 28 2010, 20:02:51 UTC
Hmm, I thought I asked for one?! Obviously not *g* Can I pretty please have one?


deternot May 28 2010, 20:10:32 UTC
Whoops! I made one, I uploaded it... and promptly forgot to add it to the post somehow. It's there now.


sczep84 May 28 2010, 21:10:03 UTC
Yay, thank u!!


juliet316 May 30 2010, 01:30:35 UTC
Grabbed mine. Thank you!


sheepfairy May 30 2010, 03:45:26 UTC
Awesome! I snagged mine, thank you!


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