Application for aliunde-rpg

Apr 10, 2012 21:57

Player Information
Name: Meygan
Personal LJ: sun-smiles
AIM/Plurk/etc.: AIM- MeyganJelly; Plurk- Meyggy
Time zone: Pacific!
Other Characters: N/A
How did you find out about Aliunde? I WAS HERE BEFORE LOL HI AGAIN

Character Information
Name: Naomi Hunter
Fandom: Metal Gear Solid
Timeline Summary: As far as canon, Naomi comes in at the end of MGS4.
Are you importing your character from another game? Yes! She will actually be imported after a three plus year stay at Somarium, followed by a few month stay in Abax.
Background: Metal Gear Solid wiki!

The only real part of her imported background that needs to be brushed upon is her relationship with Inspector Javert from Les Misérables from her three year stay at somarium and few months after their deaths in Abax. Timeline of their previous encounters if needed! The pair met after Naomi was viciously attacked and the police inspector came to investigate the crime. Flash-forward twelve months of a very strange friendship later and the pair are awkwardly attempting to start some kind of even stranger romantic relationship together. And another twelve months later after that? They've quietly married and settled down to live out however long they have together. But with Naomi's fragile condition? Both know that the time they have together is incredibly limited.

After her relationship with the man deepened and they lived through quite a deal of different lives together (thanks to both Somarium's AU events and the fact that they died together and traveled onward to the afterlife), it will be difficult for the woman to adjust at first to the man's disappearance in her life. She'll continue on forward as she always does, of course, but some of Javert's goddamn goodness and morals have rubbed off on her far more permanently than the woman would likely want to admit. She may not be a completely reformed and changed woman, but she can't bring herself to commit acts that the Inspector might frown down on her for later.

Personality: Naomi Hunter is the type of woman who skirts around the line dividing good and bad, only stepping to each side briefly before retreating back to the comfort of her blurred gray area. She manipulates those in her way, generally having no qualms with betraying anyone to see to her own means, but everything she does holds a greater purpose, usually for the honest benefit of someone else.

Naomi is an astonishingly brilliant woman, who is both a skilled scientist and an expert medical doctor. Being an advanced (and celebrated) geneticist who is well researched in nanomachine-based gene therapy, it is more than obvious that she knows just exactly what she is talking about when it comes down to any of the sciences. Because of that, it shouldn't be much of a surprise to learn that the doctor is well aware of just how damn amazingly intelligent she is, so forgive her if she's a bit smug about it on occasion. Though very obviously book smart to all she'll meet, don't forget that she possesses some street smarts in that lovely head of hers as well. As a woman attempting to get by in a man's world, she's had to use her beautiful looks quite often to get ahead when being smart alone just wouldn't cut it.

Despite how easily she double-crosses those she holds no true affection for or allegiance to, Naomi is entirely and selflessly devoted to the few she actually loves: her family. Though science is what she'd consider her life's passion to be, there shouldn't be a single doubt that it is family that takes the priority in the doctor's life. It somehow still manages to sit at the top of her list even after everyone has been taken from her. Still, to future family (or past who may always show up again), she would do just about anything for them. However, as much as she cares for her adopted family and would throw her life into ruin for them, Naomi's biological parents will always be something she finds herself wondering about and questioning. As a woman who believes so completely in the laws of genetics, she would like nothing more than to know just who she's come from and who is biologically a part of her. It may be all in the past and completely irrelevant towards who she is now, but it will always be a focus on a research and an insatiable itch at the back of her thoughts.

She's a generally calm, collected, polite, and patient woman, considering the sort of people she has had to deal with on a daily basis all these years, but when riled up she can turn into quite the stubborn, hotheaded bitch. A fighting/screaming match with her will not end well for either party, for she will usually not give in no matter how ridiculous she may become. But those kind of emotional explosions happen very infrequently, thankfully, especially outside of those she's intimately familiar with. For interactions, Naomi is a complete professional and very loved by those she interacts daily with. She is a flirty creature though (and will likely always be one) so expect her to throw in a bit of friendly teasing into her doctor affairs.

Because of the cancer threatening her life, Naomi has turned into a bit of a guarded woman when it comes to friendships, keeping most others at a distance. It doesn't at all stop her from being the social butterfly she so enjoys being, but it does mean that her real friendships are far and few between.

Powers, Skills, and Abilities: Naomi may not possess any magic abilities or healing powers, but she's an experienced medical doctor and can keep a very level head in emergency situations. Along with her daily doctoring, she's also an accomplished and celebrated geneticist.

And don't forget that she's a rather well practiced liar.

It should also be noted that in her previous game, Naomi died of a very advanced form of cancer, leaving her physically weakened permanently.

First Person: First Person Sample 1 or First Person Sample 2
Third Person: Third Person Sample 1 or Third Person Sample 2
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