Photoshp is coming back...

May 09, 2008 14:41

No time to talk in English, so yeah I fell in love with some pictures that I found on the web and voila !
Stocks icons here they are ;) Oh and btw, I think I win my fight against PS...17 icons O_o I've never made so many of them before !

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graphics : stock icons, graphics : icons

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Comments 4

breaded_fish May 9 2008, 13:01:23 UTC
Yeaaah, you won the war against Photoshop AND Lj XD
Really like your stock icons, great colorings, textures...
More?? *angel*


maisdoqueisso May 9 2008, 13:27:56 UTC
you have a gift. they are beautiful. i'm still deciding which ones i'll take. :D


scientistgeek May 9 2008, 17:45:53 UTC
Aww Thank u !
Help yourself and enjoy them :)


shi_nii May 11 2008, 03:11:58 UTC
I fell in love with number 017...
Will credit, ♥!

^^ Thank you!


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