(OOC - Set sometime after the away mission in Christmas-wobble-time.)
It was, perhaps, inappropriate to afford a section of the ship's power to the replication of decorations. Spock, however, was quite convinced that the representative nature of the replicated flora more than forgave the indulgence. Despite being convinced of this, it did occur to
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Soon after the mission, she had the computer locate Spock's quarters, and went down to visit her.
"It is quite alright, there was no questionable subtext to your action," Spock assured her and paused. What she had just stated was little more than speculation. It required confirmation. "Was there?"
It was...fascinating, the difference between this Spock and her own. Not the obvious difference, but the way she was so much more...open than the Spock Christine knew. Physically, and otherwise. Was she flirting?
Spock was flirting with her.
She stood up abruptly.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, Spock," she said. And now she'd made everything worse again, when she'd only come here to make sure everything was all right between them.
"I...I should probably go."
"I anticipate the opportunity to bake cookies with you, Christine," Spock assured her honestly and lifted both the beverage containers. "Live long and prosper."
"I look forward to it, Spock," she replied, and held up her hand in the Vulcan salute in response to Spock's words. "Peace and long life."
She hesitated a moment, feeling as if she should say something else, then lowered her hand and left the room.
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