(OOC - Set sometime after the away mission in Christmas-wobble-time.)
It was, perhaps, inappropriate to afford a section of the ship's power to the replication of decorations. Spock, however, was quite convinced that the representative nature of the replicated flora more than forgave the indulgence. Despite being convinced of this, it did occur to
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Spock exhaled lightly as she regarded Jim. Admittedly, the information had been passed via her revelation, but she had not expected surprise. An oversight, perhaps. If his native Spock also shared in a similar situation, it was unlikely he was more comfortable discussing it. Hm, more unsupported speculation, she would have to ruminate upon it and keep tighter reign on her thoughts.
"Though we are now friends, James," Spock prefaced slowly, "I am uncertain if I desire to divulge this particular information to you. It is, by a considerable degree, the information I consider most close to my heart." The colloquialism was distasteful, but expressed the situation in the most precise manner possible.
"I would never want you to tell me anything you are not entirely comfortable with me hearing," he said finally. His lips quirked slightly. "I'll just have to temper my curiosity."
"It is most curious," Spock commented, a swift change of subject, "I have not desired to view fictional narratives since my extreme youth, and yet now I fully intend to seek them out." Spock paused.
"I sincerely hope you do not endeavor to distract all Spocks in such a way, James," Spock continued, "It could prove severely detrimental to the scientific community on multiple planes of reality."
"Apparently, it cannot be helped," Spock concluded easily.
"See? You understand. I wonder which accounts for my own irresistibility."
"To which I have always responded: Flattery is illogical. I am merely stating that which is currently apparent."
"That you are not the precise Captain Kirk that I was hired to aid, and that these concerns are slightly altered from those initially intended, are merely semantics."
Spock regarded the chronometer on the far wall evenly, a considerable amount of time had passed. "I do not, however, desire to keep you from other obligations, should such exist."
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