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Comments 35

peppermintoreo September 18 2008, 07:32:51 UTC
I haven't noticed your Dr. Who icon before, that's adorable!


sciathan_file September 18 2008, 07:39:18 UTC
Yeah. I kinda majorly squee over Doctor Who of all kinds.

(And the shallow part of me just thinks David Tennant is very easy on the eyes...).


aeternitasbeach September 18 2008, 08:59:22 UTC
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.


you rock. and I loved your spin on the prompt and how you managed to cluster so many emotions into something so small! <3


sciathan_file September 18 2008, 17:47:02 UTC
Thank you, Ms. Browning. :D

Oh cryptic slash...you are so...cryptic. :D

Glad you enjoyed!


meritjubet September 18 2008, 11:04:05 UTC
"In regards to your question, your brain kind of…" she attempted to come up with the correct word, "exploded before anything actually happened."

*snickers* that is hilarious!


sciathan_file September 18 2008, 17:48:34 UTC
That line has been in my head for...years. (Actually it looked like Tamaki: ....sex? *asplode!* and thus needed to be refined into something readable...)

This is true Tamaki smut, however. :)

Thanks, glad you enjoyed!


evocates September 18 2008, 12:33:23 UTC

Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci. Hi, I'm back in Ouran but SCIIIIII. Oh god you are awesome. The Kyouya->Tamaki and calling him up in the middle of the night and Kyouya's soft spot for Tamaki and Kyouya working too hard and and and Tamaki's weird nightmares and!!!!!!

Sci you remain one of the few people who can render me utterly incoherent. <3333333!!!

AND the TamaHaru one is so cute as well. Oh poor Tamaki. How will he ever manage?! Will Kyouya have to write him a BOOK?


sciathan_file September 18 2008, 17:53:07 UTC


Poor dense Tamaki and poor furtive Kyouya...you are meant to be tragic or something unless I have a mind to toss you into an OT3. <3

And yes...Tamaki needs a book. "Step 1: Idiot, you need to remove your clothing. Do not blush. Do not faint. Most importantly, keep your mouth firmly shut." It would be Kyouya's book of luuuuuuuuurve.

And then Tamaki would be, "Surely, Kyouya, you can't have had the experience for such a...text?" *Glasses glint* "KYOUYA! WE NOW MUST MOURN FOR YOUR CARNAL TREASURE!"

XD Cheeky icon is cheeky.


evocates September 18 2008, 23:51:14 UTC
TOTALLY FOR THE OT3 IDEA OKAY. Then maybe Kyouya/Haruhi would work. -COUGHCOUGH- Or maybe you can try a hand at MoriKyou? xP

... ahahahahahaha. Oh Sci, yes, that certainly will be Kyouya's little 'book' for Tamaki. Written in HUGE FONT, short sentences, and clear language. Or else Tamaki will fumble. Ahahahhaa. xDDD

Ahahahaha Ouran is so terrible for me. I've been writing so much fic and reading so much for it recently when I should be doing something more... I don't know, work-related? xDDD



sciathan_file September 19 2008, 00:55:48 UTC
And "How To Save a Life" is totally my KyouTama song, btw. Massively cliched...but eh.

The only time I have made Kyouya/Haruhi work is in an OT3...or killing Tamaki off...and then I feel like I have killed small and very very cute puppies which radiate sunshine and rainbows.

And maybe I'll write the Kyouya Book of Luuuuurve for the "impending doom" prompt for ouran_contest. It would be ridiculous and cracktastic and so fun.

Ouran is terrible...its like a sultry temptress that is calling me away from attractive aliens touring the universe in a wooden phone box.

*Shakes head* We're both horrible...but fantastically so. In fact, so fantastically that we should continue on our massively horrible ways with gigantic evil smiles on our faces.


_secretpassion_ September 18 2008, 18:50:52 UTC
Oh god. I think MY brain just exploded at the first one.
And then liquified at the comment you made above with Kyoya's books of luuuuuuuuuurve.


sciathan_file September 18 2008, 20:14:19 UTC
Yeah, I got tired of Casanova!Tamaki because really, he is so innocent that his brain would explode. This is Truth with a capital "T."

And I think one day I will have to write Kyouya's cracktastic book of luuuuurve. Because it is just...so wrong and brain breaking.

*hands towel for exploded brains XD*


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