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Comments 4

greenpixiehair December 16 2011, 02:54:18 UTC

I do not know a single person who hasn't seen that film and came out and said "well damn, Thor is a bit of a douche, Odin is the Worst Parent Of All Time(TM) and Loki got extremely screwed over by everyone."

Or put more succinctly, by one of my friends: "And that's when I realised that Loki was supposed to be a bad guy. The fuck up with that."


schweinsty December 17 2011, 07:58:49 UTC
Ugh, yeah. I just felt so bad for Loki, and the friends with whom I watched it were all 'Oh, he was such a whiny little wuss' and I was like 'le no, he was mistreated and lied to and just raised as a sham and like, kidnapped and stolen and asf;lkjsafd;lkjdsaf;ljksdaf.' Grr.

In retrospect, I should probably save replying to comments when it is not 2 in the morning and I am not running on 2 hours of sleep? OH WELL. Sorry I'm not very erudite rn.


geeksicle December 16 2011, 07:30:38 UTC
Oh, God, this. So very this. That line Loki has where he asks Odin if he's just another artifact, and Odin's all "um, no" but the guy isn't fooling ANYONE, jesus. Odin, you dick, you took a child away from his home, from his people, and you raised him in a society where his gifts and his nature would be mistrusted, where he'd always be second best to your golden boy of a biological son, and now you're going to act surprised? You raised him to be a villain, you douche. Frankly I'm amazed he didn't turn out WORSE. And I don't know if you've watched the special features and that scene with Thor and Loki before the coronation but it breaks my damn heart because it just maeks it clear how much Loki does love Thor, does want his brother to think well of him, and he tries so damn hard. Ugh.

Um, I stalked you on tumblr, by the way, so if you're all "who is this vinomancy tool" it is me :D


schweinsty December 17 2011, 07:56:53 UTC
Oh, hi, added you back!! :D!

And omg, yes, so much. Like, I read this blog post (I think on tumblr somewhere) about how she identified with Loki as a transracial adoptee and it's like - ugh, it just made me so much more pissed off at Odin. Like, of course Loki was wrong, but Odin was just treating him like a toaster oven - he was just a tool to use but then he expected - like, he expected everything would turn out well because Loki would recognize the altruism of his motives when really his altruism was just serious selfishness and imperialism and like-

ugh, and like you said, Loki's skillset was always going to be underrated and looked down on and like, the least Odin could have done was - IDK, acknowledged Loki's skills, but he just let Loki be the brunt of all this snide bs on top of everything else, and. Yeah. I have ~feelings~ about this, lol.

And actually, I still have to get the DVD, but I will watch out for that scene :(.


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