Review/Picspam NCIS 7o10

Dec 25, 2009 17:40

Happy Holidays, every one!!

Hi Jack! I bet he's friend with everyone in the car, now.

"Well, I like my pilots caffeinated and fresh. I caught an earlier flight."

Oh, Gibbs.

Kinda awkward, this hug.

Who's fault is this? Hm, yours, Gibbs. Jethro.

The sofa? Gibbs! If you don't have another bed, you give away your bed. It's the rules. A pink bike? I checked, it's the same than in Outlaw and Inlaws.

"Well, look at this. Hope you didn't get all decked out on my account."
"Plenty of comfortable hotels nearby."
"I'll be fine just as long as I have a working clicker."
"There's the clicker. No cable."
"Color? I'll manage."
"Okay, that's your bed."
"What happened to the guest room?"
"It's not a guestroom anymore."


Bwahahahaha! Oh Timmy! Did you see that? Laughing at having his hands warm while Tony is getting cold, and when he wants Ziva's underwear? Miracle, he had gloves he can give to Tony, and he's not having fun anymore.

"It's freezing this morning."
"Man up, chilly willy. Feel that warm blood coursing through your veins. Get in touch with your inner McGrizzly Adams."
"I got hand warmers."
"Give me one."

"I'm not cold at all."
"That's because you're cold-blooded, David, like a lady Komodo dragon. Ice queen, frigid and deadly."

Ouch, Tony.

"And I remembered to wear my thermal underwear."
"I'll give you 50 bucks for it right now."
"It wouldn't fit. You're too big."
"They'll stretch. Hand them over."
"Crime scene gloves. Triple bag for insulation."

Hi Palmer! Wanna be our Lyle? He's a character from Heroes who has the power of invisibility.

Praying in the snow? I'm cold just thinking about it.

You know, I think it's the scene Michael said he didn't want to say the lines, and Sean and Cote started improvise too:

"Fruit of the Month might be good. Maybe a foot massager."
"Gee, Tony, never pegged you as a ...catalog shopper."
"Well, that's 'cause I'm not, Tiny Tim, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I took these from my neighbor's doorstep."

Tiny Tim ! Abby called him like that last year. It's the second time Tony use a name usually given by Abby. I'm sure it means something. No, I'm not reaching.

"Ooh, hold the phone, Malone. Little bit of lingerie!"

And he think of sharing it with McGee!

"Nice. What do you get for the shrew who has everything?"
"Is this for the, um, Secret Santa?"
"How did I end up with Delores Bromstead in Human Resources? She's a miserable Grinch of a woman."
"Can't argue with you there. Once wished her a happy Valentine's Day, she claimed sexual harassment."
"You ever seen her smile?"
"Stop it, both of you. She is a single, middle-aged, lonely woman. Have some compassion."

Hey! Nothing bad with being single! It doesn't make everyone a grinch. Some of us are happy like that!

"Must be tough living up thereon Mount Crumpit. Scheming to take Christmas away from poor Cindy Lou Who."
"Why do I bother?"

What do I love more than Tony clearly making his joke for Tim? Tim laughing at it.

Tony warns Tim away from the catalogs! And McGee? He's acting like he's agreeing something important. And Tony doesn't look like he believes him. After seeing the episode, it's like he sensed the prank coming on, but only blocked one way.

"I don't do anything five times a day."

Washing hands?

I love that Ducky respect the religious choice every time in his work.

"Hey, Dad. Stop making my team fat."
"I love chocolate. I'd really like another one."
"Go ahead. Have another one, bubble butt."
"My metabolism is slowing with age. It's nothing a post-holiday cleanse won't cure."

Hmm, chocolate. Bubblebutt! Don't be like that, Tony, they all like your butt.

"Come on, it's just candy for the holidays. Homemade. Best in Stillwater."
"Ms. Hannigan, huh? She's been after you ever since Mom died."
"She means well. Been cooking for me lately."
"She does put together a hell of a care package...when people are hurting."

See, I completely missed that hint the first time. I thought he meant she made one of them after the death of Gibbs's mom and tried to seduce Jackson right away.

"Population: 900."
"Bigger than Stillwater. But does it have the charm?"
"Or the perpetual smell of coal."

And again, laughing at his joke. They have to have a contest of the worst joke someday. Palmer can play.

Gibbs, stop it. I know people are whining you're too nice (never mind they whined last year because you didn't smile enough), but it's not a reason to be the second B to your dad.

Heee, Tony and Gibbs turning the head in the same time!

Ohhh toys! He's building toys! I guess it means Gibbs is really moving on.

"If Santa's looking for Rudolph, I think I know what happened."

"Call me Tibbs."
"They call you Mr. Tibbs?"

Could have make a joke about Tim's books.

Never kill nothing. Yeah, right.

"This is my probationary sidekick,"

"How about this one comes back to my place and...decorates my tree."
"Oh, no."

And in the contest of the worst pick up line... Poor Tony, seeing the problems coming.

"Easy, easy. Heel." Oh Tony :D

Hellllo stuntman!

Yeah Super Ziva!! Why did this guy touch Tony's shoulder? Warned him? I think it was something not supposed to be on film.

Santa Skeleton!

Oh Tim. Tony already got you're the only one laughing at his jokes. Your turn to understand he'll be the only one who will like yours.

"Goes great. Much better than this guy.(chuckles)Santa-- I don't know why he did the lap band. I told him not to. Well, you know, Santa--can't have a lap band, you know. He's got to be...Doesn't work. What are you drinking?"

McGee, you can never say no to Abby, why trying? But it would be nice to see that at least once, McGee refusing her something. I'm sure it would be interesting.

"So far, only two marines, including First Sergeant Tibbens, accepted a bribe--four grand apiece."
"Ho, ho, ho.Merry Christmas."

"Interpol is checking into it."
"Tell them to check faster."
"You do it. Not you, boss. You. I mean, how many languages do you speak, anyway?"

*snort* Tony is looking from where the dad came from.

Oh McGee! With Ziva! They're cute together. That's the kind of jokes Tony would have done. Or maybe send a horrible gift and sign it with someone else's name.

"Someone broke my cover."
"She knows I'm her Secret Santa. McGee, you wouldn't do that."

"To exchange gifts?"
"To wrap me in a cocoon of ivy and suck the Christmas joy out of me."
"Okay, I'm going to say this again. She is probably someone who just lacks social skills, so be nice, get her something special, kill her with kindness."
"Or with a stake of holly through the heart."

Abby cookies!!!!

Ziva won't eat her, and Abby is disappointed, but Gibbs will. They're so laughing at that, I'm sure I'm not the only one with the mind in the gutter.

Ducky and Jackson!!

Oh, I so expected "You're behind me, aren't you?".

I love this little laugh at 'chivalry.' That must have been some very interesting stories.

"Your father has been regaling me with stories of his youth. We have a lot in common. Naive heartbreak, tales of adolescent... chivalry. Oh, oh, and fond memories of skinny-dipping as children."

He's drunk!

Oh no, he's faking. Martha Stewart! Oh the little digs at Gibbs. Eh.

"What a sweet, lovely man, Jethro, and certainly much warmer than you depicted him, and in many ways more accessible than you are."

"I mean, has he experienced any kind of trauma recently? Well, it's nothing personal, Jethro, but I don't think he came here for your uplifting holiday cheer. Martha Stewart, you are not."

Oh you're a bad liar McGee. You have to prepare this kind of stuff in advance! You're better at acting than improvisation.

"Well, you know what? This is an emergency. I have direct orders from Admiral... Nicholas Whitebeard. Yes, yes, that is his name. He's the admiral that oversees the northern polar regions."

"Misplaced tidings of joy, McScrooge?"
"I'm donating my time to a very, very worthy charity this year."
"How worthy?"
"Who are you doing this favor for, McGee?"
"Abby, her friend, and the big man."
"Director Vance?"
"Bigger... and rounder."

He's working for Santa!

It's refreshing, something else than 'Muslim are bad!'.

Spider lights!

"I know. Typing. I feel like Scrooge being visited by three grumpy ghosts."

Probette! I like this one, can it stay?

"Like I said, whoever did this had agility, speed and power on their side."
"Well, if I don't mind saying so, I have many of those qualities myself."
"Where's that generous holiday spirit, Probette?"
"Bah Hum-Bog."
"Bah what?"

Hm? I thought the Winchester didn't have bullets? I said he didn't remember where he put them.

How the doll story was in her files? *handwaves* Awesome gift, Tony.

Yeah, sure kill me with cute, Tim, I don't care. Awww, the kisses! And he have a lipstick mark!

"I'll go warm up the sleigh."

It was supposed to be up earlier, but I miscalculated my free time :D

ncis, picspam: ncis, mcgee/dinozzo, i watch & i note: ncis, season 7 with tony/tim slash goggles

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