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Jun 26, 2018 22:44

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friends only

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Comments 112

my_moonlight77 August 20 2008, 18:00:29 UTC
Aaaaaaaaaaaa .... now I'm back and my Hon kicked me out of her Flist *criesoutloud*


schnute23 August 20 2008, 18:03:05 UTC
OH SWEETIE . I thought you won't coming back. I'm sorry. I'll friend you back,of course :)


my_moonlight77 August 20 2008, 18:11:10 UTC
Hm .... Hon I told you I'll be back but unfortunately it took much more longer than I thought :-( I hope I'm still welcome

And hm .... I got your reply via Email but I can't read it here on your LJ ?!


schnute23 August 20 2008, 18:18:48 UTC
AAAAH SÜSSE na klar bist du noch willkommen !!!!!!MWAH ICH FREU MICH TOT, dass du zurück bist :D tut mir echt leid für mein schlechtes Timing!!!!



lotr_lemmy August 20 2008, 18:22:50 UTC
Oh my goodness... what did I miss??

I may not be a prolific commenter but I hope you decide to refriend me!



schnute23 August 20 2008, 18:38:44 UTC
Sorry Hon, of course I'll re-add you! *hugsmish* :)


sexy_pumpkin August 25 2008, 10:45:13 UTC
Hi *waves*

Thanks for friending me back & I know I missed it, but Hey!! happy birthday :)

I approved your membership for the QaF Health Club as well, I'm a moderator there & IF you didn't know, I adore B&J & QaF, love Gale Harold, OMG the sexiest man on the planet, & I've read about 10,000 fanfic, ONLY happy endings for me, I even wrote my own post513 B&J story, I had to have my happy ending you see, I hate 513 with a passion, its called AT LAST if you want to read it, its on my LJ page down the right hand side of the page.

So lovely to meet you, Im from Sydney Aust, married with 5 kids, yes shoot me please :) met Gale back in 2007 in New York went to see him in his play, he was so sweet to us & so beautiful, take care, off to post some pics,,later Jackie.xx

BTW I love your pic, its like my icon


schnute23 August 25 2008, 13:59:00 UTC
HI Jackie :D

Thank you for adding me in first place. I'm always excited about friends from the QAF-fandom because I am still kinda new into it :)
So thank you for making me a member in the QAF healt club, too. I read a lot of the entries and it seems to be a great place for sharing not only fandom love but also RL issues. That's awesome.

AND OMG YES GALE IS A GOD - (SQUEE YOU MET HIM and survived!;)) and because my heart beat for slash I am full of love for him and Randy (RPS is one of my kinks) and OF COURSE I accept B&J as my OTP :D

I'll def check your fic out :) I LOVE happy Season 5 endings \o/ *hugs you*

Thank you for the bday wishes :)



lil_miss_coolio August 25 2008, 21:59:10 UTC
hi =)

you sent me this message

I have a question - I am a new member to your graphics comm - are requests for animations allowed there ?

I couldnt reply to your message cuz you somehow enabled PM's so I just write you here =)

My answer:
well I never really thought bout it...I must have missed that thought or something but sure...try it out. =) I'll write that in the userinfo now that ppl know that they can request things =)

Thanks for reminding me of that =)

Dani x


schnute23 August 25 2008, 22:08:22 UTC
I couldnt reply to your message cuz you somehow enabled PM's

UHM *blushes* Sorry! ;)

And thanks for the answer :))



dissendiun September 7 2008, 19:10:02 UTC
Hi, I know how these messages can be boring, but I'm here to invite you to join the new Queer as Folk graphics community, the QaFGraphics.
It's only the begging and I will appreciate (a lot *-*) if you join us.
Thanks in advance. Bye.

ps: I love the FOB! *dies*


schnute23 September 8 2008, 10:10:17 UTC
:D Thank you for your message, I'll join the Comm NOW \o/


The wonderful banner was made by mikeyrhcp, she makes wonderful arts :D


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