Hey f-list!
Most of you know that I’m doing a minor in Linguistics. For this term I’m doing a project on... well, I wish I could tell you but that would ruin the purpose of my study. But I'll tell you later in case you're interested.
However, I would very much appreciate (and give you lots of cookies) if you could help me and go to the link below.
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Comments 17
(Btw, the one question that didn't make sense was the "test sentence" that puts you in a category of either "native-like proficient / bilingual" or "just" second-language learner... and also to see if people pay attention and not just give me any name they read.
/is mean.
So, good job for catching it! :))
Thanks for the help!
Good luck with it! ♥ ♥ ♥
That was really of great help. It's so hard to get bilinguals and native-speakers of a language other than English...
And your answers look good! :)
Btw... I have a phone interview with the folks in Nijmegen next week! Heeee, so excited!!! :)
And good luck with your interview. If you need any help, just holler. :)
Thanks a lot for the help!
But glad it made you laugh! :)
I'm fine. Busy as usual with school but fine. Still applying to grad school and what not. We'll see. ;)
Hope you're doing fine yourself! :)
*wonders if further down the f-list she'll find out* Man, am I ever behind on this! *sighs*
And if you don't know what I'm talking about at this point, you should be good to go. ;)
And I haven't posted my results yet as I'm still collecting. However, I have 330 subjects at this point and my results look interesting (albeit expected and predictable), so my inflated ego is eying for a first-author publication... ;)
(which is probably the only reason why I put so much effort in a 30% 6-page paper for a class that gave me full marks on a proposal full of typos and incomplete sentences :P)
And I know I shouldn't say this but I just got your data and I love your answers. :D You did what I hope my English-monolinguals would do and my English-learners won't do (that is, long distance movement) - yay!
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