Title: A Jager Enjoying his Job (A Good Day, part 2)
Characters: Jenka, a Jager medic
Warnings: Jager medicine
Wordcount: 500
This will make a lot more sense if you read
part 1 first. And I'm pretty sure there'll be more parts.
Jenka growing up in the Castle, part 2 )
Comments 7
"Hy'z learnink how to not get caught!"
And that, I think, is what makes Jenka somewhat different from the other Jaegers. She knows the importance of not simply barging in to cause mayhem (though she does do that too). How many would ask nicely to be let into town and continue to try appealing to reason despite multiple attacks?
And lolz at Jaeger-medics. Nice chapter.
Yes, she is more reasonable than most of the Jägers. Sadly, even while asking nicely she fails at not scaring people. ;)
...Ah, the pleasant life of a medic! Endless fun. :D
medic: It took me a few hyears to realize dot threatenink to cut dem up and leave them if they doesn't stay conscious didn't alvays vork.
medic: Den Hy came up vith better threats. ;D
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