Look at our lovely pimping banner from
Use this code to pimp the challenge:
![](<a href=)
Leave a comment to this post to get you bingo card and a code to post it to your journal.
If you want your card with the white background, remove background="LINK" from your code.
To strike out a square: find the square name in the code you've been given and make it look like this:
<*s><*a href="LINK TO YOUR STORY">SQUARE NAME<*/a><*/s>
(without the asterisks, of course).
If you're html-savvy, ignore us and just tinker with the table to your heart's content. You can also PM
sinnerforhire if you want the link for the purple background on the example cards.
ETA: If you have problems with your code, copy it out of the original comment here at the community and not out of the email notification. Somehow the code seems to get messed up in the emails. If you still have problems, let your friendly neighborhood mod know.
ETA 2: There are only 2 days left to request a card! Comments will be frozen on this post at 10 PM EST on Thursday, September 30. (Reminder: if you have completed at least one bingo, you may request a second card until November 30.)