Fic: Paradigm Shift: Three Weeks Later (SGA; McShep, Keller/OMC; G)

Jul 11, 2009 21:37

Title: Paradigm Shift: Three Weeks Later
Rating: G
Pairings: McShep, Keller/OMC
Disclaimer: Not mine (except the mistakes), no harm meant.
Summary: Coda to Paradigm Shift: Three weeks later, Sheppard finds Wright waiting in his office.

Three Weeks Later

Wright salutes, which isn't an oddity in itself, because he hasn't quite shaken off the instinct yet, but he's radiating a kind of resolute terror.

"At ease, marine."


John waits a moment, and when nothing further seems forthcoming, he says, "What can I do for you, Wright?"

"Sir. Permission to speak freely, sir."

"Go ahead."

Wright continues to stare at a point some two feet above John's head.

"In your own time, kid."

"Sir." Deep breath. "You know about..." Pause.


"And you know that..." Pensive frown.

"I do."

"Sir, I really didn't mean for any of this to happen-"

"Nobody ever does."

"Nossir. Sir-"

"McKay isn't still giving you a hard time, is he?" All things considered, John doesn't think this likely, but it's always possible Rodney thinks that destroying Wright's life would be a good way to distract attention from - stuff.

"Oh, nossir. Dr. McKay's been-" Pause, pensive frown. "-fine about all of this. Huh."

Oh, God, this is not the time for independent thinking. "So what's the problem, Tom?"

"Um, it's about Specialist Dex, sir?"

A/N: And now Tom's trying to explain himself over in Served Cold

sga, fic

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