what the what

Nov 11, 2010 12:00

 So, yesterday I defended a Dreamworks movie from Pixar Purists.


Guys, I just love Megamind so much? I'm seeing it again tomorrow, and you guys... it might be my favorite movie of 2010?? HAHHA. I mean, Toy Story 3 was great, but Megamind is A ROMANTIC COMEDY WITH SUPERHEROES. SORRY, PIXAR, MAYBE NEXT TIME YOU WRITE A SCI-FI ( Read more... )

megamind, movies, dreamworks

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Comments 12

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schellibie November 11 2010, 19:56:23 UTC
IT IS INDEED VERY GOOD! Megamind the character indeed pulls a lot of Dreamworks faces, but it is pretty hilarious and not obnoxious. AND THERE ARE LIKE, NO POP CULTURE REFERENCES. All the humor is character driven and really witty and oh gosh I just love it.


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schellibie November 11 2010, 22:05:04 UTC
Haha, well, since it plays with superhero tropes pretty explicitly, I would definitely say it's okay. (Like the Incredibles!)


lightningeclips November 12 2010, 00:44:32 UTC
Haha, I'm with Val, I wasn't really expecting this to be anything special! I guess I'll have to check it out then. =P Plus, I gotta admit, I do have a liking towards alien supervillians... *glances at Zim*


schellibie November 12 2010, 03:17:47 UTC
INDEED. When I saw the first trailer, I was like "well, that looks stupid." BUT OMG IT WAS SO SO SO SO GREAT. SO GREAT.

I am a huge fan of over the top supervillains and witty dialogue, and VILLAIN PROTAGONISTS, (AND AMAZING LOVE STORIES) so this was pretty much a movie made for me.


doxorz November 12 2010, 01:50:02 UTC
1) RIght click-save @ dat gif

2) 2010 was a great year for animated movies indeed! And Megamind was amazingsauce and is probably tied up there with TS3 in my book! Megamind totally blew me away and I'm so glad I got to see it legally at least once.

3) Dreamworks isn't lesser than Pixar, they're just different. It all comes down to preference, and what the viewer might want from a movie. Therefore, the comparison is not needed and people can like both and still be awesome!


disembodied_cat November 12 2010, 05:02:30 UTC
I'll tell ya how Tangled is when I see it Saturday.

I've found myself having to defend Dreamworks plenty of times ... as much as I love Pixar, Cars 2 with the cars as GODDAMN SPIES is proof to me that they are not infallible (and myself a year ago would probably gasp as this idea. But I know plenty of people who've dealt with pixar - they are not as perfect as they seem. They're good at hiding it though.)

Actually Megamind to me is the Dreamworks vs. Pixar sort of thing .. perfect and flawless Pixar vs. sorta misunderstood and kind of idiotic at times Dreamworks. I'm totally allowed to say this. XD I have no idea who the hell Minion or Roxanne are in this scenario.


schellibie November 12 2010, 06:26:38 UTC
OMG, I was saying this the other day too! Dreamworks would totally be Megamind in that scenario, haha.

Yes, Pixar is definitely not as perfect as everyone makes them out to be. I mean, they still have GREAT films, and such talent, but that doesn't mean there isn't issues! (Haha, me of two years ago would have passed out at this idea! But hey! You can like something even if it's not perfect)

Dreamworks has come out with a lot of movies I don't much like, but they (and especially recently!) have also come out with some really good stuff!

And yes, let me know about Tangled! I have high hopes for that movie, I hope it's good!


disembodied_cat November 12 2010, 06:32:08 UTC
I swear there's some REALLY cool stuff coming out of DW in the next few years (I'm not a fan of Madagascar though so I don't really care what the 3rd one is like ..) Croods looks cool, my show Guardians should be awesome, and there's stuff I'm HOPING they announce next year which I think is super forward thinking. So we'll see. I'll let you know as soon as they finally announce it (IMO it's something Disney should be doing - sheesh.).

Anyways! I had to share - while looking through Megamind props today, I was excited to seethe dehidration cube ... only to be sad that it was actually just a gray cube. Aha. Heart has been crushed.
Although I thought it was hilarious they had the injured girl's crutches and leg cast in the models too .. funny to think about how much money would have to go into ONE sight gag, lol.


pheonee November 12 2010, 08:53:44 UTC
The way I usually see it is this: Pixar is like a string of perfectly-rounded natural saltwater pearls while Dreamworks is like several paragon diamonds buried in a bucket of ashes and coals. By this I mean that Pixar has a modestly-sized line of amazing and brilliant films while Dreamworks is a heavy producer of mediocrity--but when Dreamworks brings it, they bring it hard.

And there's no good reason why you can't have the pearls and the diamonds in the same necklace, right? Just be sure to wipe off the ashes. c:

Ahhh, Megamind sounds amazing, but it's so hyped up now for me. Will I be judged if I watch it and decide that HTTYD is still my personal movie of the year? (Rapunzel has been disqualified; I don't get to see it til January.) (And TBH, I prefer the visual style of HTTYD.) (Sci-fi has never really been my thing, okay!) (Please don't hate me.)


schellibie November 13 2010, 06:42:23 UTC
I totally agree! I love a lot of Pixar movies and a few Dreamworks movies, I don't understand why everyone has to try to pit them against each other! It's cool to enjoy movies from different studios, guys.

Hahahah, no, I will not judge you! Visually, I think HTTYD was more breathtaking, I just connected so much more to the characters in Megamind? (I wouldn't really say Megamind is Sci-fi so much as it is SUPERHEROES.) (Lol, why would I hate you for that?)


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