
Feb 04, 2011 16:07

Posting this with the mod's permission.

I'm starting a rewatch of The Sarah Connor Chronicles, one episode per week. Yay! Want to join me? Theoretically I (or someone) will post on a Friday, but I figure anytime from Thursday to Monday is okay.

So if there's an episode you really love and want to write a recap of, please feel free to claim it. I'll keep this bookmarked and put names next to episodes. I'll do any unclaimed episodes.

I'd like to see a general overview of key plot points for the episode. A few screencaps would be nice, though certainly not required. (I can give links to a couple of websites that have screencaps available if you want.) Also, discussion questions are a great way to get people commenting.

So: summary, pics if possible, questions... what else would you like to see in an episode post?

Just in the interest of keeping this interesting and amicable for as wide a group as possible, try not to dwell too much on why your particular favorite pairing is so awesome in any episode. As amazing as it is, I have come to discover that not everyone agrees with me that Sarah Connor/James Ellison is the best pair ever, so I will try to avoid talking endlessly about them. :D

Same applies to character likes and dislikes (particularly the dislikes). And please, no bashing in the comments either. Gushing, on the other hand, is encouraged.

1-01 Pilot: rose_griffes 2/11
1-02 Gnothi Seauton: pirateveronica 2/18
1-03 The Turk: roxybisquaint 2/25
1-04 Heavy Metal: gemfyre and rose_griffes 3/4
1-05 Queen's Gambit: sterre 3/11
1-06 Dungeons & Dragons: 3/18 by
1-07 The Demon Hand: pellucid 3/25
1-08 Vick's Chip 4/1
1-09 What He Beheld: emmiere 4/8

2-01 Samson & Delilah: smercy 4/15
2-02 Automatic for the People 4/22
2-03 The Mousetrap 4/29
2-04 Allison from Palmdale: such_heights 5/6
2-05 Goodbye to All That: indiefic 5/13
2-06 The Tower Is Tall But The Fall Is Short: maharet83 5/20
2-07 Brothers of Nablus: hunters_retreat 5/27
2-08 Mr. Ferguson is Ill Today: sterre 6/3
2-09 Complications: nicole_anell 6/10
2-10 Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point: ticketsonmyself 6/17
2-11 Self Made Man: emmiere 6/24
2-12 Alpine Fields: avendya 7/1
2-13 Earthlings Welcome Here: ticketsonmyself 7/8
2-14 Good Wound: chaila43 7/15
2-15 Desert Cantos: sullensiren 7/22
2-16 Some Must Watch, While Some Must Sleep: roxybisquaint 7/29
2-17 Ourselves Alone: sterre 8/5
2-18 and 2-19 Today is the Day (parts 1 and 2): avendya 8/12
2-20 To The Lighthouse: sanadafaye 8/19
2-21 Adam Raised a Cain: maharet83 8/26
2-22 Born to Run: chaila43 9/2

Comment if you'd like to claim an episode. And if real life intervenes, just let me know. We can get a back-up or I'll fill in.

Questions? Suggestions?

episodes: rewatch

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