Whoo hoo!

Aug 08, 2011 09:20

I have two shinies to bring to your attention (if you haven't already seen them), and both of them are wonderful things, indeed.

The first is a signal boost for fangirl-turned-author, whitemunin (aka grace_draven), who has re-released her novel, "Master of Crows", with a new and improved cover featuring art by our very own Louisa Gallie.

"In an isolated fortress, the Master of Crows battles an ancient god for possession of his soul. Renegade and heretic, he dreams of ways to defeat the god and destroy the priesthood who would execute him. Sent by her masters to betray him, a woman comes who possesses a weapon he can use to triumph over both...but only at the ultimate sacrifice. A tale of love and allegiance."

I've pimped this book before because I love it so very much, but it didn't have such a gorgeous cover the last time. ;) If you're interested, you can download a free sample excerpt here to check it out. If you want to read the entire thing, you can buy the ebook here. For $2.99 (US dollars), you'll have an outstanding story featuring a strong heroine, a sexy and oh-so-dangerous hero, a unique villain, and a cast of vivid and realistic secondary characters. C'mon, you know you want to read it... ~tempts~

The second is a belated birthday present I received from melisande88. ~does happy dance~ She's written the lovely HG/SS story " Shepherd's Pie for Two", the tale of one of the worst - but possibly also the best - days of Hermione's Life. They say when one door closes, another opens, and in Hermione's case, the other door is dark and cranky and eating lunch in the Leaky Cauldron. ;) Go and read, and don't forget to leave a review!

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