My Fest/Exchange Likes and Dislikes

Sep 19, 2004 13:23

My squicks/dislikes: BDSM!lite is fine. Minor breathplay is fine. Minor kink of any kind is fine, but loving detail of hardcore kink is usually lost on me. (I'm not Vanilla!girl, but I'm pretty damn close.) I'm wary of infidelity between committed partners (I've seen the premise done well, but not often), and I dislike smart people dumbed down to serve plot. Explicit torture, explicit sexual abuse, child abuse and animal abuse will make me close a story. Rape without realistic consequences makes me angry. Women presented as inherently helpless or stupid makes me furious. I find it wearing to read 2nd person POV for more than a few paragraphs. Unrelenting darkfic where rocks fall and everyone continually struggles and fails before dropping dead just makes me tired.

Things I like: Humor of any kind - gentle, slapstick, black, I love it all. Romance is great. Combine the two into romantic comedy, and I'm delighted. I've been known to enjoy a good hurt/comfort fic or three. I adore lots of UST before the RST, but I'm perfectly happy with fade-to-black or stopping outside the bedroom door. I enjoy a good mystery, and I love trying to figure them out before the characters. Witty banter makes me grin as do smart characters who act like adults and have actual conversations. I like angst if it's done well. (Angst generated by silly misunderstandings becomes quickly annoying.) I don't mind epilogue compliance as long as Ron/Hermione are either divorced/divorcing or Hermione is a widow.

Things that can go either way: Kid!fic/Baby!fic - I don't have children, but I think they're cute. Main character death is something I have to be in the mood for, but if the story is good and it serves the plot, I'll weep buckets and be fine with it. Crossovers work only if I'm familiar with the other material, so it's better to ask about those.

For art: I like everything from Alfonse Mucha to H. R. Giger, but in reality I know next to nothing about art, and I like pretty much anything, from cartoon-like characters to detailed drawings. The one thing I'm not overly fond of is the stereotypical Anime-style of art.

The bottom line: Tell me a good story, and I'll be hooked. It doesn't matter what genre, theme or ending. Sometimes I'm surprised by the things I like, even if I thought I wouldn't. So tell me a compelling story, and that's all I need. If it's artwork, I'll be thrilled you've made something for me. ;)

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