Title: A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words Rated: R Characters: Luna Lovegood, Rita Skeeter, Severus Snape Summary: In the wizarding world, seeing isn't always believing.
It wasn't you, it was me. I made an error in coding that threw everything off. I've fixed it, but (of course) LJ won't allow you to edit comments. I apologize for being html-impaired. ;)
Don't worry. If the comment is still odd looking you can delete it. If you receive the message that I loved the story and that I liked a lot the interaction between Luna and Severus, then its purpose has been fulfilled. ;)
I thought what Snape was going to notice was that Luna was checking out his ass. The wand behind her ear is even more funny. Thanks so much for the one shot, I completely enjoyed myself. I am going to friend you and start reading all your HP stories. I have become quite the fan of yours!
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