Song!drabble challenge
So, you put your player on shuffle and as it plays you are to write. You start when it starts and stop when the song ends. You are not allowed to skip songs and you can only revise them after you are done.
Title: Light up the World
Pairing: None
A/N: Smile Song | Hey!Say!JUMP
Light Up the World )
Comments 8
SanaZawa ♥♥♥ Sanada is so cute IDE ♥.♥
And Yuta comeback tugged at my heart strings :'> Taiga should have a solo-hug XD
Thanks for reading! ♥
I really wanted to laugh out loud when the phone hit his head but I can't since already midnight here.
Thanks for reading~~~
love the heartbreak the best. too bad it's too short.
Thanks for reading!
oh, this is my first time leaving a comment.
the drabbles are...
they're beautiful..
and the one i loved most is...
TEGOMASU Time's up. it really made me cry. oh god. ;_____; um, i know this is fast, but... can i make a story out of it? the one with tegomasu as pairing. it's just so lovely and... romantic. i'm a tegomasu lover, so if you're okay with it. can i?
thank you for this drabbles. it made my day! :)))
Thanks for reading~
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